Re: Orion - theme preview
Reply #35 –
A little update again:
Things are beginning to finish up, at least for the initial beta of the theme. I am right now utilizing Chart.js for some nice graphs on the statistics page and will be moving to PM and Profile pages next. After that its pretty much done, aside from the expected bugs lol.
Theres also the "theme news" - I plan to have a news section on the "current theme settings page", for news on updates on theme and/or other themes.
Re: Orion - theme preview
Reply #41 –
Well yes, some aspects of the forum stats can be useful for an admin. OTOH, I think some of it is still useless and could realistically be dropped. It does chew a huge amount of queries to generate all that crud.
Personally I would keep some of the general stats section, ditch the boxes under that (or at least most of them), and keep the forum history. I also think it could usefully be made visible only to admins, since it's not really relevant to anyone else.
Profile stats? Even with better eye candy (and I have played around with that in the past) the basic problem still remains: it's just not interesting or relevant content. If it was eye candied up to the max I might take one look so I could go "Ooo, shiny!", but after that the only reason I'd look at it is if I wanted to nick some of the eye candy ideas for somewhere else.
Seriously, has anyone given thought to whether profile stats are worth all the code required to run them? I can't think of a better example of the YAGNI principle.
Re: Orion - theme preview
Reply #44 –
Another update:
Keep getting closer to a release, with focus on profile and who pages next.
But I have to say...its jolly hard to work with the templates, there are unique stuff/styles in every template. Little focus have been on re-use here, which should have been very important when so many different templates are used in a single application. Thus its hard to actually change anything, because while it might change on MessageIndex, the similar Unread template will have other styles again, overriding it. This is slightly better in the public tempaltes, but the admin ones are a nightmare(..)
TBH I am being a bit lazy here, my initial gut reaction is to rewrite everything with as few styles as possible(and to some degree I have already ) but I don't want to use that amount of time of rewriting every I am now just putting band-aid code/styles on those templates I don't change. That means I will keep finding small stuff that doesn't render correctly, but life is short lol.