ElkArte Community https://www.elkarte.net/community/index.php ElkArte 30 https://www.elkarte.net/community/themes/default/images/logo.png ElkArte Community https://www.elkarte.net/community/index.php Re: Just a big thank you to the ElkArte community ! https://www.elkarte.net/community/index.php?topic=6347.msg45686#msg45686
Quote from: Spuds Glad you were able to get the help you needed to get you going. Now the real work begins, building your community !

Thank you very much @Spuds ! Yeah you got that right ! ...]]>
https://www.elkarte.net/community/index.php?action=post;topic=6347.0 Mon, 22 Jul 2024 21:11:50 GMT https://www.elkarte.net/community/index.php?topic=6347.msg45686#msg45686 D.M.
Re: Just a big thank you to the ElkArte community ! https://www.elkarte.net/community/index.php?topic=6347.msg45685#msg45685 ]]> https://www.elkarte.net/community/index.php?action=post;topic=6347.0 Mon, 22 Jul 2024 21:10:56 GMT https://www.elkarte.net/community/index.php?topic=6347.msg45685#msg45685 Spuds Just a big thank you to the ElkArte community ! https://www.elkarte.net/community/index.php?topic=6347.msg45684#msg45684 Just a big thanks to everyone that supported me on my journey of setting up the ElkArte Forum Software !
Nothing would be possible without the great support from this amazing community and their troubleshooting skills !
Sometimes just a...]]>
https://www.elkarte.net/community/index.php?action=post;topic=6347.0 Mon, 22 Jul 2024 20:21:03 GMT https://www.elkarte.net/community/index.php?topic=6347.msg45684#msg45684 D.M.
Re: Mark as read on index https://www.elkarte.net/community/index.php?topic=6346.msg45683#msg45683
Quote from: Spuds Thanks .. I'll make a note to check, could be the cache is not getting cleared or "something"

That was my guess too... either the cache, or something else.. :undecided:

https://www.elkarte.net/community/index.php?action=post;topic=6346.0 Fri, 19 Jul 2024 19:59:29 GMT https://www.elkarte.net/community/index.php?topic=6346.msg45683#msg45683 Steeley
Re: ElkArte Mail Not Working https://www.elkarte.net/community/index.php?topic=6345.msg45682#msg45682
Quote from: Steeley
Quote from: D.M. All mails that get delivered as a newsletter eg. a mail that is with the same text/subject forwarded to multiple different addresses gets marked...
https://www.elkarte.net/community/index.php?action=post;topic=6345.0 Fri, 19 Jul 2024 19:29:13 GMT https://www.elkarte.net/community/index.php?topic=6345.msg45682#msg45682 D.M.