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Keep the colors in Hex code! :) Started by JesusGod-Pope666.Info · · Read 8972 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Keep the colors in Hex code! :)

Wonderful with all the help in the CSS file, I have a request in regards of making it better. At the places one can do, keep the colors in Hex and not names :) As it is easier to search it out while picking out the color in Gimp and looking for it in the CSS.

That's all, thanks. I just tried SMF RC3, and went to the CSS file... Like nope... get back to ElkArte!

Must be a better way to easy get colors directly from the screen without needing to import it to gimp, or the other way around. Just haven't figured it out yet.
Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 08:16:19 am by Darkijah
Dearly Regards - Darkijah - May Jayshua the Anointed, God Almighty who died for the Sins of the world bless you with wholesome health and eyes to see!
Websites: https://JesusIsGodAlmighty.Life and

Re: Keep the colors in Hex code! :)

Reply #1

You can have them how you like, just modify them.

There are many colour picker addons for browsers or inspect elements which every browser has.

Re: Keep the colors in Hex code! :)

Reply #2

I don;t know how many times people have told you this, but I do recall doing it at least once myself. :P

Right click on any element > Select "Inspect element".

That brings up your browser's dev tools, which will tell you everything about the markup and CSS. You can also install Collorzilla, if you want a dedicated colour picker as well.

And yes, SMF's organisation of CSS files, if you can call it that, has never been very good. That's why I suggested the system Elk uses as soon as I saw an example on someone's GitHub page. It was obviously a good idea, and the rest of the Elk Alpha crew saw the benefits at once. Tried suggesting it at SMF too, but of course they weren't that sensible. :P
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Keep the colors in Hex code! :)

Reply #3

@Antechinus Yea, I guess, people did - and once again - and actually did a little in Chrome with F12 yesterday :).
I'm just strained to the max, well my brain is anyway - so it kinda not easy. Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, Notes, HTML, CSS, PHP, Java, Bible, History, Health and whatever...  Anyway...

Well, more people should join up with ElkArte, I think there was some programmers not on there team anymore - they could just come over and help with what not.

Anyway... I should go to bed, as usual so many things to do, but... Well, Lots of plans and ideas, and sadly the action is going slow. Well, I should look back on things, and actually accept that I've come a long way I guess, even if it seems to go slow.

I need to find a way to make a copy of the main theme, so I can edit one and still have the original. Still lots of confusing on my side, and the options is still one wild nature of unknowing danger :P

Re: Keep the colors in Hex code! :)

Reply #4

What is the D:\NetBeansProjects\Hjemmeside\\forum\themes\default\css\_besocial\rtl_besocial.css file?
Is that a mistake, it seems like a broken standard index_besocial and yet lags a huge amount @Antechinus?

Re: Keep the colors in Hex code! :)

Reply #5

It's for RTL languages, like Hebrew or Arabic. It's not broken in them (or shouldn't be anyway).
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Keep the colors in Hex code! :)

Reply #6

Hmm, so the RTL file is form other tongues like Semitics? Maybe even Greek?

This gab thing on this page really ruins my eyes! Someone fix it ;)


Re: Keep the colors in Hex code! :)

Reply #7

Last I checked Greek wasn't an RTL language. It's for languages that run right-to-left, like Hebrew and Arabic. If you aren't using those languages, don't worry about it.