ElkArte Community

Title: Attachment Permissions change..
Post by: Steeley on March 09, 2024, 11:22:19 pm
Version 1.1.6 - I noted recently attachments to posts were being rejected, and I discovered the attachment directory permissions now required 0777, the original 0755 permissions settings no longer were sufficient.  I have no idea what exactly changed (I suspect something on my host was "updated", which is what usually screws my pooch), since I haven't changed anything from when they last were working fine.

I'm just posting this in case someone else gets bushwacked by their host upgrading something without telling you assuming that's what it was.


Title: Re: Attachment Permissions change..
Post by: radu81 on March 10, 2024, 03:31:14 pm
I just checked my forums and the main folder \attachments and also the other ones  like \attachments\2024 are all set up as 755.
Using 1.1.9 version
Title: Re: Attachment Permissions change..
Post by: Steeley on March 10, 2024, 04:53:46 pm
Quote from: radu81 – I just checked my forums and the main folder \attachments and also the other ones  like \attachments\2024 are all set up as 755.
Using 1.1.9 version

I hear ya.. but now if I change it back to 0755, ElkArte  admin attachment configuration tells me the directory is not writeable (and the interface gives you an error message on "post" "....either timed out or the attachment is too large.. ")

It "USED" to work just fine.. Change it to 0777 and everything is happy again.

I changed nothing on my end that would goof that up. Don't know if the server now thinks the DB or the Application accessing the directory isn't "owner" anymore and needs group or site write permissions, or what's going on, but it appears something changed on the host side. 
(They have a habit of doing that without telling anyone.. and the only way you know they did is suddenly something's broke).

Just a heads-up... whatever it is may be coming to a street near you in the near future.. I don't think it's version dependent.

"Incompatibility is just an upgrade away"
Title: Re: Attachment Permissions change..
Post by: Spuds on March 11, 2024, 10:15:01 pm
Did you try 775 as well ?

But yeah all of my attachment directories are 755 and my PHP files are all 644 ..  As you noted, its likely your host did some update such that web user/group under which your PHP runs has changed.
Title: Re: Attachment Permissions change..
Post by: Steeley on March 12, 2024, 03:39:35 am
Quote from: Spuds – Did you try 775 as well ?

But yeah all of my attachment directories are 755 and my PHP files are all 644 ..  As you noted, its likely your host did some update such that web user/group under which your PHP runs has changed.

It was 0775 originally, changed to 0777 and the problem went away.  In the course of chasing it down I noticed the following Webserver info:

Database client version: libmysql - mysqlnd 8.1.27
PHP version: 8.1.27

That was released 21 Dec 2023, and I suspect that was patched in very recently and that was the offending action.


Title: Re: Attachment Permissions change..
Post by: Janonati on August 15, 2024, 10:24:03 am
I’ve run into similar issues before where a server update changes stuff without notice. Setting permissions to 0777 usually does the trick, but keep an eye on those updates.