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Replace jeffsdatediff with htmlTime Started by scripple · · Read 2483 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Replace jeffsdatediff with htmlTime

In admin/ManageMembers there's a function jeffsdatediff that calculates the number of days since the current time.  It seems to me that you already have a better system for this that understands more units than days.  I submitted a pull request replacing with this with just call to htmlTime and removing the function.

Of course if not using relative time maybe people would prefer jeffsdatediff still. 

Just a very non-critical suggestion.  Take or leave as desired.


Re: Replace jeffsdatediff with htmlTime

Reply #1

Yeah, I think it may be considered redundant.
The main difference is that jeffsdatediff doesn't go to the week/month/year level, it just calculates the number of days, that in the context may or may not be useful, dunno.

ETA: it may be an option (at some point, not necessarily now) to add a parameter to the relative time function to decide what to show "exactly" (i.e. for example limit to number of days instead of years, or number of weeks and so on).
Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 04:40:40 pm by emanuele
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