ElkArte Community

Title: Editing Welcome Message, Others
Post by: tcultech on March 15, 2017, 10:54:08 am

I've searched, but can't seem to find any reference to where we can edit the email messages subscribers receive during the registration process. I want to flesh out the welcome message with some instructions and links to login instead of just the password reset. (Most everyone participating has never used a forum at all, so they need a lot of basics and step-by-steps up front.)

I'm digging through the directories on the server at the moment…

All advice appreciated!

Title: Re: Editing Welcome Message, Others
Post by: emanuele on March 15, 2017, 06:07:43 pm
It's in the language file EmailTemplate.english.php (or your language instead of english).
You can find it in themes/default/languages/{yourlanguage}/

ETA: at the moment I don't remember the exact name of the template, but if you search a piece of the message it should be pretty easy to find, just pay attention because there are few variants depending on the settings you have (immediate registration, email activation, admin approval, etc.).
Title: Re: Editing Welcome Message, Others
Post by: tcultech on April 24, 2017, 10:33:09 am
BTW, I found and edited all the messages successfully, thanks!

I'm wondering where to find the copy in the {REGARDS}'; variable. I want to change the bit that currently says "Regards,
The "Forum Name" Team."

Title: Re: Editing Welcome Message, Others
Post by: emanuele on April 24, 2017, 06:02:36 pm
index.english.php ;)
Title: Re: Editing Welcome Message, Others
Post by: tcultech on April 24, 2017, 08:45:32 pm
Ahh, perfetto—thanks so much!