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[FIXED] Black screen after updating addon Started by MangeCur · · Read 1997 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[FIXED] Black screen after updating addon

I installed on my forum and I was updating the headers and footers. I guess I made a mistake because after submitting it and entering my admin password to confirm it, all I get is a black screen. I can't fix it because... well, it asks for my admin password to confirm the new change if I go back, and I can't enter my admin password because saving the addon took me to the same black screen where I would normally input said password.

I now cannot go back anymore because I went back enough times that it reloaded the page to be a big black blank space.

I worked all week to get the site ready and now it's just not working. :( I'm trying to figure out where BKE stores the header and footer information so that I can modify it myself but I can't find it anywhere? Everything was working fine until I made that one change. I copied the wrong bit of code, and now there is apparently no going back.

This has taken me ages and I really, really don't want to have to do everything from scratch again. We have soooo many boards. This is so discouraging. I can't find a way to do anything with this.

Please, someone help. I am at such a loss right now.

Edit: I found a bit of code that I miscopied from Notepad++
Code: [Select]
#basicinfo { width: 280px; }
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
^ Note how the style tag isn't closed after the #basicinfo tag? Yeah, I need to fix that. Except I can't because I can't access the addon and I can't find the "header" it saves it in so that I can remove that bit of code. You can see that snippet yourself if you view the page source of my forum.

Edit again: I renamed the file GHF.subs.php to GHF1.subs.php and it fixed the problem. No more black webpage. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the addon and it instantly makes a black screen again. I really, really need help on figuring out where it stores the data I enter so that I can remove the un-closed <style> tag.
Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 11:50:11 am by MangeCur

Re: Black screen after updating addon

Reply #1

Hi MangeCur and welcome. :)

That's one of the big issues handling HTML through a web interface: if you do a mistake you may lock yourself out without easy way to revert.

At the moment, the only way to remove the broken HTML is using phpmyadmin (or equivalent way to access your database), locate the table elkarte_settings[1], search for the variable "global_head" (without quotes as usual) and empty it out (i.e. modify the entry and remove or fix the code there).

Problem reported at
Unless you used a different prefix, in that case it would be {yourprefix}_settings
Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 06:07:40 am by emanuele
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Re: Black screen after updating addon

Reply #2

If you don't have phpmyadmin installed, on your server you can download Adminer Its a single php file you can use to do anything phpmyadmin can do, much easier to install than phpmyadmin

In a pinch place it in your forum root and then directly access it to make the fix to the area emanuele pointed out (that missing </style> is killing the page).   I would not keep it in your forum base, but for a one time fix its fine, just remove it when you are done.  I keep it in a password protected admin directory on my server that's only accessible from a sub domain name. 

Re: Black screen after updating addon

Reply #3

Thanks to both of you so much. I tried searching in mySQL but without knowing exactly what to find it's a bit of a mess. It's all restored now and our header table is functioning properly!


Re: [FIXED] Black screen after updating addon

Reply #4

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