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Post Edit permissions Started by Steeley · · Read 6896 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Post Edit permissions

In addition to the time limit setting a user is allowed to modify their own post, an alternative option would be to allow the user to modify until that post has been replied to.

To avoid a race condition, if "allow user modification until replied to", the time limit then prevents the post from being replied to for the limit time.  "Edit Reserve Time"
(For example - say, 5 minutes default -  10 minutes max)

Someone trying to reply during that reserved user-edit time gets a pop-up - "Post editing reserved - Reply allowed in X seconds".

Additional "elegant" behavior:

Edit Reserve time expires automatically if user selects "log out".

If poster selects quick edit or modify, Edit Reserve Time starts over, and if save is selected, starts over again. 

If the poster selects quick edit/save while a reply is pending - 'pending replier' gets a pop-up "Post may have changed - please save reply and review post".  Otherwise, when post editing reserve time expires, replier is notified that it is OK to post reply.

Meanwhile, if the original poster had selected quick-edit or modify but the edit reserve time expires and his post is replied to, if the user then tries to save the edit, the user is notified the post has been replied to and editing is not allowed.

Unless the existing post function logic requires modification to avoid 'bad behavior' (server crash, internet implosion, etc.) implementing just a basic Edit Reserve Time option,  I suppose the elegant behavior could be deferred in favor of "non-academic user training"  (i.e. "All non-academic knowledge comes in suppository form.")

Last Edit: January 23, 2022, 04:02:16 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: Post Edit permissions

Reply #1

QuoteIn addition to the time limit setting a user is allowed to modify their own post, an alternative option would be to allow the user to modify until that post has been replied to.

One problem is that when you edit a post, its not marked as new again (and would be rather impossible anyway), so anyone who has read the post will never have any indication that someone changed it.  You could key off the replied to, but there are far more lurkers than posters.  You could possible allow edit until its shown as read by someone or the edit to modify has passed.

The other options, well if they are difficult to explain to a user,  imagine the difficulty in trying to implement something with too many conditions, it just becomes overly complex.  Just look at the conditions I posted in what you need to remove an attachment, and that function is somewhat straight forward  :laughing:

Re: Post Edit permissions

Reply #2

Roger that... well, then, how about just an either/or permissions option for user-editing-own-post to select an edit time-out, or edit-until-replied-to?  

Although I still think if, in selecting the latter case, changing the edit time out to a "reply-block" time-out (to give the poster some "oops" correction time on an active dynamic site) shouldn't be too dysphoric (although as I think about it, "Preview" would serve that purpose if it didn't discard attachments to use it, I suppose. ) 

In any event, once a post has been replied to, further editing of it should be prevented, and if it hasn't been replied to, editing could be allowed - maybe if edited after the reply-block time out expires stuff an "updated" flag on it for a week or say..if it's then replied to, which flags the thread as having a "new" post and the "updated" flag can go away)?  :-b

After all - current logic shows when it was last edited by the user..

(Although as I think about it more, it's entirely possible this is a proposed solution in search of a theoretical problem..)

Edit: For some reason smileys don't work for me now..  :-[

(to wit ---vv)
Last Edit: January 25, 2022, 05:10:49 am by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: Post Edit permissions

Reply #3

Quote from: Spuds – One problem is that when you edit a post, its not marked as new again (and would be rather impossible anyway), so anyone who has read the post will never have any indication that someone changed it. 

SMF did actually do this. In the messages table was an id_msg_modified which would be used to track if the message had been edited by replacing it with the current maxMsg value and this could be used for read detection though I vaguely remember back and forth over whether this was a good idea or not to actually do it. It may not have entirely worked properly.

Re: Post Edit permissions

Reply #4

QuoteI vaguely remember back and forth over whether this was a good idea or not to actually do it. It may not have entirely worked properly.
Interesting.  I can see how that may or may not work as expected.  Its seems it already difficult for users to understand some of the nuances of what is new.   One could reset a thread to a old pointer when a post it edited or maybe a notices for a watched topic that something changed.
Quote from: Steeley – Roger that... well, then, how about just an either/or permissions option for user-editing-own-post to select an edit time-out, or edit-until-replied-to? 
Could probably do one with allow edit until replied to without to much drama
Quote from: Steeley – Edit: For some reason smileys don't work for me now..  :-[
:broken_heart:  Seem to work for me :tongue: but I know the popup does not show up immediate after a ] character in the editor.

Re: Post Edit permissions

Reply #5

Quote from: Spuds –
Quote from: Steeley – Edit: For some reason smileys don't work for me now..  :-[
 :broken_heart:  Seem to work for me :tongue: but I know the popup does not show up immediate after a ] character in the editor.

 :)  ;)  :D  ;D  :(  ::)  >:(  8)  ???  :P  :-[  :-X  :-\  :-*  :'(  O:-)


All I see are the ascii

But if they are in YOUR  post or YOUR quote of my post (but not my quote of your quote) .. smilies do show..  maybe it's a post ranking privilege now?
Or, you're just special?   :tongue:

(If I add them within your quote they still don't show.. :broken_heart:, but the code-embeds do regardless of where they are.. )

EDIT: But if I select More and Modify, and then uncheck "Don't Use Smilies" (which I just did by coming back up to this post, after learning about it below )..there they are..
Last Edit: January 29, 2022, 12:15:38 am by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: Post Edit permissions

Reply #6

 :D  O:-)  :)

Definitely a issue with smilies, weird if I tick don’t use smilies it works in the preview. However not in the main post which needs it unticked.

Re: Post Edit permissions

Reply #7

Quote from: tino – :D  O:-)  :)

Definitely a issue with smilies, weird if I tick don’t use smilies it works in the preview. However not in the main post which needs it unticked.
I see that as well, smileys show in the preview when "Don't use smileys" is checked in the options, but they don't show when posted which is correct.  Preview bugs !

QuoteAll I see are the ascii
The only way I've been able to reproduce that is when on the post page the option of "Don't use smileys." is checked.  So why are you doing that :dancers: Honestly I'm not sure of another way that would happen, but will look a bit deeper.

Re: Post Edit permissions

Reply #8

Well, I hit reply, and "Don't use smilies" is NOT checked..  8)

And there is is...

And I've never touched that setting..  let me explore..

OK, I found it - if I hit quote, and then select preview to bring up the text formatting menu, "Don't Use Smilies" gets checked..

On my screen, I have to scroll down to see it and uncheck it..

If I select "reply" when shown (and in the "Recent posts" as well), no, it doesn't get checked..

Not sure this is desired behavior, but., that's what's going on..
And Note; This is not the behavior in 1.1.6 (which I'm running on my server) - something changed between then and the 2.0 dev version running now on the EA site..
Last Edit: January 29, 2022, 12:29:32 am by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: Post Edit permissions

Reply #9

Thanks for the explanation of what you found, that it will greatly help in finding what is going on !


Re: Post Edit permissions

Reply #10

I believe to have this all sorted on my local, when I update the site you can test :D