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[Request] Merge double post Started by radu81 · · Read 10746 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[Request] Merge double post

I have some users that are using the forum like a chat box :) I would like to have an addon that automatically merge a double post within a couple of  hours.

The smf mod

Thanks in advance
Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 04:41:44 am by radu81
sorry for my bad english

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #1

Nice feature request @radu81

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #2

So how does this work?

Is it if the same user posts two consecutive posts in the same topic within some time period they are auto merged?

Or does it merge them in the same topic even if they are not consecutive if they are withing some short time period?  That would be messy I think, but ...

Anyway just want to understand what the features are so maybe I'll code something up.

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #3

To be more clear I reply in the same way my useres use to respond on my forum ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #4

Quote from: Spuds – Is it if the same user posts two consecutive posts in the same topic within some time period they are auto merged?
Yes, only if the same users reply to a topic within some time
sorry for my bad english

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #5

Quote from: Spuds – Or does it merge them in the same topic even if they are not consecutive if they are withing some short time period?  That would be messy I think, but ...
no, it does not merge all messages, only if the same user reply to a topic where the last message is his own message. Could also be useful to reduce the "bump" replies
sorry for my bad english

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #6

Quote from: Spuds – Anyway just want to understand what the features are so maybe I'll code something up.
Have a look at smf mod, if I remember well also wedge has something similar ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #7

As you can see I made 4 useless replies instead of one like this:

To be more clear I reply in the same way my useres use to respond on my forum ;)

Quote from: Spuds – Is it if the same user posts two consecutive posts in the same topic within some time period they are auto merged?
Yes, only if the same users reply to a topic within some time

Quote from: Spuds – Or does it merge them in the same topic even if they are not consecutive if they are withing some short time period?  That would be messy I think, but ...
no, it does not merge all messages, only if the same user reply to a topic where the last message is his own message. Could also be useful to reduce the "bump" replies

Quote from: Spuds – Anyway just want to understand what the features are so maybe I'll code something up.
Have a look at smf mod, if I remember well also wedge has something similar ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #8

Hey could someone issue this member a warning!! ... Moderators? ? ? :P :P

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #9

just delete the useless messages  ;D

or make a double post merge addon ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #10

I know such users too. No matter how often you describe the possibility to make more then one quote in a post, they keep doing this and generate post after post.

Maybe there should be the rule to only merge posts if they are made within a maximum of 10 minutes or such and only when there's a quote in them. My users only do this when they quote multiple posts.

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #11

I've been thinking about how to do this, and came up with a couple of ideas.

1) If the last post was theirs, and they are within some period set by the admin, hitting "reply" simply opens up the last message in modify mode as though they had selected more -> modify.  This has two downsides that I can think of, 1) the update does not flag the message as new to those that read it already and 2) it would not work if posting by email  Maybe there is a way to flag it as new during and update, @emanuele do you know if that can be done?

2) Clicking reply acts normally, they post but the new post and the old post are "merged".  There are several complications with this, you need to merge attachments, update like counts, update any mentions both like and @ style, remove the original post, update member post counts, update board and topic counts, etc etc .. lots of busy work.  The plus side of this is that its a new post and will be flagged as such to everyone, it would work for posting by email, it can lead to a general message merge function for moderation,

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #12

Quote from: Spuds – 1) the update does not flag the message as new to those that read it already...

I thought topics with an edited post are marked as new, only the board icon is not changing? SMF did this. Elk not?

I like this first variation. It shows the user: "Hey, you did something slightly wrong, but we can fix that! Simply edit your post. I will help you and open the last post for you."

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #13

2 ) will be right in my opinion. Lesser chance of spoiling older posts.

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #14

It may be a bit hackish again, but an option could be to catch action_post_before and "change" something (it should just be a matter of set a couple of things in $_REQUEST (bad, BAD, thing!... but we are bad guys. :P) in order to steer the post controller to a modify instead of a post_new. O:-)
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