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@mentions Notifications Started by Atlas · · Read 3989 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

@mentions Notifications

Makes your site-stats useless. I have a thousand extra "page views" (and I'm the only one with the URL to the forum) just because I had the forum open in another tab.

Re: @mentions Notifications

Reply #1

I turned off all notifications to stop this.

Re: @mentions Notifications

Reply #2

Sounds like a bug to me ... I assume its just a JS script making the check and there should be a "no stats" action list somewhere.

Re: @mentions Notifications

Reply #3

I'm still getting page loads from action=keepalive  once every 30 mins.  Question, will disabling this feature be a breaking change?

this url too "scheduled=task"
Last Edit: June 05, 2019, 10:39:48 am by Atlas


Re: @mentions Notifications

Reply #4

The keepalive keeps a users session active., I guess all that would happen if you remove it is that someone would be logged out if they leave the page open in a tab or whatever.  You can change the session time in the ACP to some higher value as well.

Re: @mentions Notifications

Reply #5

The keepalive is most critical if you have users that tend to write *a lot*, so in the case a user is logged in for a certain period of time and starts a post, then he writes, and writes, and writes, and the time expires, he will most likely lose the post (or at least good part of it if drafts are on) because in the meantime he was writing the time was expired. I think. (But to e honest I never looked that much into it.)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.