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Social Media Started by Allan · · Read 6203 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Social Media

I was looking around and couldn't see any topics on maybe perhaps including social media into a core feature. I personal think this is something that a lot of users are looking for in today's world. This is something that other forum software have and is very much liked.

Re: Social Media

Reply #1

Quote from: Allan – I was looking around and couldn't see any topics on maybe perhaps including social media into a core feature. I personal think this is something that a lot of users are looking for in today's world. This is something that other forum software have and is very much liked.

Re: Social Media

Reply #2

What do you mean with "social media"? (Sorry, but I'm not at all into social stuff, so I really don't know... :-[)
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Re: Social Media

Reply #3

Having an area something to share topics, like topics or even have them in the index page.

Re: Social Media

Reply #4

Ohhh. That!
Yes, definitely.
You can find a quick summary here:
The idea was to add moar!! to the "send this topic", but then I forgot and when I remembered it was kind of late in the development cycle (AFAIR it would require a change in the db schema and since it was close to the release of the first beta I preferred not to interfere and wait.
I started writing an addon, then I've been busy doing other stuff and it's still hanging around... :-[

What do you think: would improve the "send this topic" making a "share this topic" be enough or should it be more evident? (i.e. without having to click on "share"?)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Social Media

Reply #5

To be honest I have been using forums for many many years and have never used the send this topic. I was thinking of making a way to use as a feature. I would have it on the bottom of the posting page though. I don't want to mention other software names that do this and it's very successful.

Re: Social Media

Reply #6

Most people share on social media bY just copying and pasting the URL.
To me, a share button is not a convenience. It's a cry for help from the Admin.

Now if you're talking about Facebook login or Google+ sign-in, it's more interesting. But only if it creates a real account with all rights (except Admin maybe), and doesn't require an extra password to access your profile. (I'm not sure why dragooon did that in his plug on for Wedge. Can anyone think of a reason not to trust OAuth logins?)

Re: Social Media

Reply #7

I know in some cases like google+ you have to have OAuth in order for the login to work properly, I have set that a couple of times in the past and found that out the hard way. As far as the share buttons being a cry for help I can see that point of view. But also look at it as a way for members to share and bring in more traffic. I look at there is nothing negative about getting more members when some forum s struggle to even make it of the box.

Re: Social Media

Reply #8

login with : Facebook, Twitter or Google+ is good too. It lower the barrier of entry (sign up), you just need to approve the permissions.

Re: Social Media

Reply #9

May be an Add this mod like in SMF will do it for us.

Re: Social Media

Reply #10

I think something like this might be better hard coded, since it's a feature alot of people look for when looking at forum software.

Re: Social Media

Reply #11

I guess most of us have this feature through some mod. I am ok both way as long as it exists ;)

Re: Social Media

Reply #12

Quote from: Allan – I think something like this might be better hard coded, since it's a feature alot of people look for when looking at forum software.
When something is hardcoded, it drives away innovation. Look at Android platform. If a feature is missing from the Play Store, the community builds tons of solutions with tons of options. When Google builds the same feature, they usually do it for the lowest common denominator. That means possibly less features. Developers, not wanting to build something that nobody will use, stop innovating on that idea. I remember there is an awesome article I read about this. Also, since Google is now including those things by default, they have to maintain them. That means more time spent on every new release making sure every app works. That makes releases slower.

The core developers of Elkarte would be better off spending their time developing the "core capabilities" of the forum to make it easier for people to create plugins. Not to say they shouldn't add features, but every feature means more maintenance and a longer release cycle.

Re: Social Media

Reply #13

Mod would be fine, I just thought that this was something that was needed.

Re: Social Media

Reply #14

Quote from: Nao – Most people share on social media bY just copying and pasting the URL.
To me, a share button is not a convenience. It's a cry for help from the Admin.

Now if you're talking about Facebook login or Google+ sign-in, it's more interesting. But only if it creates a real account with all rights (except Admin maybe), and doesn't require an extra password to access your profile. (I'm not sure why dragooon did that in his plug on for Wedge. Can anyone think of a reason not to trust OAuth logins?)
I might as well answer this now, mostly because stuff like changing e-mail etc requires a password, it's a good idea to have a password on file even if the user is not going to use it.