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Lets lets add a home page! Started by Feature Cat · · Read 24138 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Lets lets add a home page!

Reply #30

Sure. People might not bother to write a page, so.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.

Re: Lets lets add a home page!

Reply #31

Oh you're talking about having a home page as a default feature. I thought this was more about portals.

A basic home page option would be kinda cool, especially if it can be edited with SCE (would be crazy not to). I can see it being rather popular.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

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Re: Lets lets add a home page!

Reply #32

Without the help of a portal, I think a homepage would be rather useless or too plain at most for most user's.

Re: Lets lets add a home page!

Reply #33

Quote from: Xarcell – Without the help of a portal, I think a homepage would be rather useless or too plain at most for most user's.
The point isn't to create a home page that everyone would want.  How could we ever do that? The point is to give people the option to have a homepage. This can't be done without a mod currently. There are hundreds of posts about people wanting to know how to move smf into a sub-directory so they can have a home page. It's useful, and easy to do with the code base. A simple checkbox to turn the option on/off. Then if people want, they can customize the homepage.template. They would have to customize it anyway, to get what they want.

Quote from: Antechinus – Oh you're talking about having a home page as a default feature. I thought this was more about portals.

A basic home page option would be kinda cool, especially if it can be edited with SCE (would be crazy not to). I can see it being rather popular.

Yeah I mixed my portal questions in with this since it will be working along side the homepage option. Sorry to confuse.  I'm not sure I'd add the option to store the homepage code in the database using the editor. My plan was to just provide a simple controller and template to give some ideas on how things could be done. Nothing special out of the box since nobody would want the same home page as everyone else.
Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion, you must set yourself on fire!

Re: Lets lets add a home page!

Reply #34

Well TBH, these days most peeps expect everything to be done by wysiwyg. I prefer to roll my own, just because I can get cleaner code that way, but most users either don't know how or don't want to know.

I think some way of editing in admin would be advisable. It's easy to initialise SCE anywhere, and it will handle HTML as well as BBC. So, if you don't do it, my bet is it'll be one of the first things people start grumbling about. :)
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Lets lets add a home page!

Reply #35

How do you propose to do it then? You can only save html/javascript through the editor. What about those who want to do PHP instead?  Is what you save in the editor going to be the only thing that displays on the page? Are you going to have multiple fields to edit that will fill in different sections of the page?  Where are we going to store this data? Would you create a DB table just for the front page code to be saved? The settings table only allows 65k characters to be saved in a row. This limit could easily be passed by putting home page code into it. Lots of directions we could go with this. Just seems like bloat the more we dive into it. I'm cool if that's what everyone wants, but it's not what I had in mind. lol

I wanted to keep it simple. Document the template and controller with some comments to help people understand how to pass data back and forth and call it good. If we need to we could have some document written up for it on a wiki if we ever pick a place or software to do a wiki. :) Speak up with what ya'll want!
Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion, you must set yourself on fire!

Re: Lets lets add a home page!

Reply #36

Hmm. Ok, you're starting to make sense. I'll STFU. :D
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Lets lets add a home page!

Reply #37

Quote from: IchBin – If we need to we could have some document written up for it on a wiki if we ever pick a place or software to do a wiki. :)  O:-)
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.

Re: Lets lets add a home page!

Reply #38

What I was thinking here is that very few want a static home page, those that using a simple static page will want for sure to be able to introduce HTML.

What I would like to have is a set of tools:
a blog,
an articles system,
a blocks system,
maybe others.
All working together, all working independently.

Once you have that, do you want to propose a portal? Just pack the three together and have fun! :D

As I said before I would use a board to store both the blog entries and the articles, so that everything is tightly connected (and the blog can be easily "converted" in the article system O:-)).
The admin interface can (and should) be different (i.e. the boards are phantom boards visible only from the blog's admin page and not in any other place of the admin panel, not even in the permissions page).

But these are just thoughts, unfortunately I haven't found yet the good inspiration to begin work on any (well, I started work on the tags that is part of a blog :P, but got derailed by hashtags lol).
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Re: Lets lets add a home page!

Reply #39

Time to bump this!

Since we are getting close to beta, having a site home page "description" seems like a good thing to do.

Right now on the site elk is installed in the user root, so I'm thinking to move that to /forum and then place some static landing page in the base.  It would have a brief description and then a few links, one to the test/developer forum, one to Github repo, one to GitHub download for the beta.   Can jazz it up as we go if needed. 

Other thoughts, good/bad idea, volunteer to make the page O:-)

Re: Lets lets add a home page!

Reply #40

Good idea!

 emanuele hides
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Lets lets add a home page!

Reply #41

Quote from: Spuds – Other thoughts, good/bad idea, volunteer to make the page O:-)
Good idea .. I'd help but my english really sucks..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Lets lets add a home page!

Reply #42

Heck your English is better than mine !  I'll plop something together so we can take a look and decide if its a way to go.

Re: Lets lets add a home page!

Reply #43

I think the "Let's add a home page" was more of an idea to add a home page into the forum code right? Or did I just run with the idea of adding a page into the code? lol

I'll volunteer to design a page for this if we want. Assuming we want to match the current scheme of our default theme?
Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion, you must set yourself on fire!


Re: Lets lets add a home page!

Reply #44

Thank you thank you thank you .... Sold O:-) 
You know like most threads this one went on a bit ..... but I was going back to the start of 

QuoteYes, a forrum is a forrum. But when you go on a site, you might - or not - expect to see a presentation, something that site is about, and easy links to everrywherre.

So it was more of a landing page for this site, so people know what we are, where to get the software, how to help etc ... one pager with the links to git, the forum, and our beta package (when we tag it)  Using our theme stuff is great, I would have done that or grabbed a github page template to get started, but do what works for you!