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Problem with all posts timing out - resolved by editing Settings.php Started by overscan · · Read 2672 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Problem with all posts timing out - resolved by editing Settings.php

I installed Elkarte in the apache site previously used for SMF beta testing. It installed perfectly but then I couldn't make any posts or edit any configuration pages without a timeout.

I fixed this by editing the cache to "apc" and "level 2" which were the settings previously used in SMF.

Thought this was odd enough to share.

Like what I see so far - will be test converting to play with shortly.

Re: Problem with all posts timing out - resolved by editing Settings.php

Reply #1

Hello overscan and welcome! :)

It's not the first report about APC messing with sessions, see for example this (and maybe this message in particular. :-\).

Glad you like it! :D
Last Edit: October 02, 2014, 05:33:11 am by emanuele
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Problem with all posts timing out - resolved by editing Settings.php

Reply #2

Yes - that gave me the clue - but it wouldn't be a great experience for average users trying out the forum software. I'm not exactly a newbie. I've used SMF on my forum since December 2005, and have been feeling very restless after never quite warming to 2.0 and the glacial pace of development since 1.1. Elkarte seems like a good fork so far and fixes most of my dissasatisfaction with SMF.

Re: Problem with all posts timing out - resolved by editing Settings.php

Reply #3

QuoteI fixed this by editing the cache to "apc" and "level 2" which were the settings previously used in SMF.
Before you did that it was blank then? 

If so maybe what is happening is (theory)
Since APC was running on the site/server, at least at the opcache, and that opcache that is destroying the static binding (timeouts). 
If the cache was blank in settings.php then ElkArte may not have registered the register_shutdown_function() 
We need to check that code to see if its doing the register based on detection vs settings value. 
One you updated the value, it would be seen and then register the handler

And thanks for giving ElkArte a test, we have done a heck of a lot of work on it  :)

Re: Problem with all posts timing out - resolved by editing Settings.php

Reply #4

Yes, the values in Settings.php were blank before I edited them.

Really impressed with Elkarte so far. My main challenge will be getting a usable theme which is not too dissimilar to the old forum while working well on mobile - the default theme is good but quite far from the old forum stylistically (which was edited Curve blended with some elements from previous Aero79 theme).

Re: Problem with all posts timing out - resolved by editing Settings.php

Reply #5

Quote from: overscan – Yes, the values in Settings.php were blank before I edited them.
Thanks, then I think my theory is right, will make a change.
Quote from: overscan –
Really impressed with Elkarte so far. My main challenge will be getting a usable theme which is not too dissimilar to the old forum while working well on mobile - the default theme is good but quite far from the old forum stylistically (which was edited Curve blended with some elements from previous Aero79 theme).
Glad you are enjoing it :D ... I'm not sure if this will help or not with your theme efforts I'm not sure how complete that is, but its an example of what you would need to get a curvish look.

Re: Problem with all posts timing out - resolved by editing Settings.php

Reply #6

Had some ongoing issues with authentication with apc turned on - for example I would log on ok to the forum then fail to authenticate as an admin for example.

I've turned apc off for this vhost via .htaccess:

php_flag apc.cache_by_default Off

and now everything seems fine. Would eventually like to turn it on for production go-live though.

I already looked at that theme, yes a good start indeed, but I acctually prefer the new default theme, so considering a more radical overhaul of the forum look.

Re: Problem with all posts timing out - resolved by editing Settings.php

Reply #7

I don't recall reports about authentication problems, not to say that there may not be another APC issue.

Do note that by default you need to enter your password to enter the admin panel.  You can disable this in admin->security and moderation -> general ... and check  Disable administration security and Disable moderation security.  The second password prompt is there to improve session security.

What version of PHP are you using?

Re: Problem with all posts timing out - resolved by editing Settings.php

Reply #8

Yes, I am aware about the second admin prompt - the problem was it refusing my password. Hard to admin forum in that circumstance :)

Running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (until later this month)

PHP Version 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.27
APC Version 3.1.9

It all works ok with SMF 2.0.x


Re: Problem with all posts timing out - resolved by editing Settings.php

Reply #9

I'm out of ideas for the moment.

I have not been able to reproduce login errors on my apc test environment but its a 12.04 base so saying that works is comparing apples and oranges to your 10.04 base.  Now I use 14.04 and don't use apc at all,  although I may play with apcu at some point.

Maybe someone else has some ideas that can be tried.