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Reading anything? Started by emanuele · · Read 8001 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Reading anything?

Since there is the one about watching, why not one about reading? :P

I finished a couple of days ago Lords and Ladies and started straight away Soul Music[1], this before fell asleep, instead during the day (when I remember) I'm finishing Think Java - How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, short and nice, now I'm looking for other Java-related books (better if free, at the moment I don't feel like spending much on it LOL).

ETA: I just found this:
looks pretty interesting. O:-)
yes, not exact order because I messed it up a couple of books ago, but I'm catching up! ;D
Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 11:15:57 am by emanuele
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Re: Reading anything?

Reply #1

I've read a handful of books lately, all of which have been pretty good. Starting with my latest book. :)

Suzanne Brockmann - Born To Darkness:
People referred to as "Great Than's" discover that they can tap into the other 90% of their brain. In doing so they discover they obtain special abilities. Bad guys use these people to synthesize a drug which gives people these powers, but they are immediately addicted. This is a romance writer, so there's quite a bit of detailed sex in it. If you can skim that crap, it's a good book. lol

Tom Clancy's - Without Remorse:
This military guy gets big time revenge for people that killed his girl friend. If you are sadistic like me, this is the ultimate revenge book! :)

Richard Paul Evan's - Michael Vey Battle of the Ampere: 3rd book in the Michael Vey series.
About a kid that has Turrets syndrome who finds out he has special powers. This is actually a good book for kids, but still a good adult read if you ask me.

Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game:
I read this one a few months ago for the first time. In the future Earth is almost annihilated by an alien species. Those who survived decide to prepare for the next battle by training kids (like 7 year old kids) to find their next great leader.

Currently reading Brad Thor's - Hidden Order:
Military/Government stuff. Federal Reserve Chairman dies, those on the list considered to be the next Chairman are kidnapped, and one is found dead so far. Pretty good so far.

Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion, you must set yourself on fire!

Re: Reading anything?

Reply #2

You read a lot!

Started Introduction to Programming Using Java (page 22, still a long way to go).
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Re: Reading anything?

Reply #3

Funny thing is, I hated reading as a kid. I avoided reading, and never really found enjoyment in it. About 10 years ago I started reading at the request of a friend to read Ayn Rand's - Atlas Shrugged (Huge novel, but a great book IMO). Ever since then, I haven't stopped reading. I have a lot of catching up to do for all those years I didn't enjoy it. lol

Latest book I'm reading now is on AngularJS. This is a really cool javascript framework written by google that we are starting to use here at work with our java applications.

Book is here:

Site is here:
Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion, you must set yourself on fire!


Re: Reading anything?

Reply #4

Soul Music is finished, I went back to the origin and started (again) The Light Fantastic, but I just received the next three: Interesting Times, Maskerade and Fleet of Clay.

Still reading the java book, page ~150, interesting reading for a noob like me. 8)
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Re: Reading anything?

Reply #5

Just finished reading "A Dance With Dragons"(Game Of Throne Series by George R Martin), and now I'm reading "Morals & Dogma" by Albert Pike.

I tend to read a book a month, aiming for a goal of 12 books a year minimum. Last year I only read 12 books, but that's because the Game Of Thrones series books are on average about 1000 pages, and there's currently 5 of them. I usually average around 30 books a year.

Re: Reading anything?

Reply #6

I read the first 4 books about 4/5 years ago. Unfortunately, before starting I didn't bother to look around to find out the status, and only after the first two or three I discovered Martin's release cycle (that is pretty much the same as SMF). I finished what I had already bought at the time and I'll not read another one unless Martin finishes the series. LOL

I dunno know how many books I read a year, but it's definitely less than 12 (usually I read in the bed and it ends up after 2 to 10 pages because I fell asleep lol).
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Re: Reading anything?

Reply #7

I don't think Martin writes his books anymore. I think he has a ghost writer doing it, and he just comes in makes changes. I can see the change in the style of writing, and every book after the second one has gotten worse and worse.

I normally only read self-help books. The only fiction books I've read the past 5 years have been all the Harry Potter's, all the Twilight's, all the 50 Shades of Grey, all the Game Of Thrones(up to current release), and maybe a few zombie/werewolf books here and there.

The last non-fiction(if you want to call it that) book that I read was the Book of Enoch, but I didn't read it for religious purposes, I read it for research purposes that I won't go into.

Re: Reading anything?

Reply #8

Quote from: Xarcell – and every book after the second one has gotten worse and worse.
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