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Invisible Groups Started by Steeley · · Read 1479 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Invisible Groups

I've created a member group, with the intent of its members able to access a "private board", membership is admin assigned only.
The private board will be invisible to anyone not a member of this group.
However, if I set the group "invisible" I get a caution I don't fully understand (see attachment)..

What is the ramification of "restrict assignments to additional groups only"? 

Does this mean if someone is assigned to this (invisible) group, they can't be assigned to any other group?

(Currently, as this forum is just being built, there are no forum members except me as admin and also with a regular member identity for testing purposes - so I'm not concerned with updating "primary" members at this point.)

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: Invisible Groups

Reply #1

Quote from: Steeley – What is the ramification of "restrict assignments to additional groups only"? 

Does this mean if someone is assigned to this (invisible) group, they can't be assigned to any other group?
1. I am not sure if there is any so far.
2. I don't think so. You should try it though.

Re: Invisible Groups

Reply #2

Quote from: ahrasis –
Quote from: Steeley – What is the ramification of "restrict assignments to additional groups only"? 
1. I am not sure if there is any so far.
Hi ahrasis,

My "boolean" English isn't very good, so, not only am I not yet sure of the definition or utility of a "primary group" (I'm still learning this package), I'm therefore not sure what the downside would be by excluding it as an option.

Quote from: ahrasis –
Quote from: Steeley – Does this mean if someone is assigned to this (invisible) group, they can't be assigned to any other group?

2. I don't think so. You should try it though.

I am doing just that.  I've seen some oddities in board access for those members assigned to a 'private' group that - in spite of setting the group to inherit the "regular members" permissions - seems to require explicit permissions be set for that 'private group' for the rest of the boards as well - but that just may be me getting 'wrapped about the axle' as I go back and forth between board settings, permission settings, and testing the user's access,  groping the "black-box" for the logic.

Once I get that all straightened out in my understanding (assuming I do eventually), then I'll see what I blow up setting the "private group" invisible.  :-)

Perhaps if I understood what a "primary group" is / is for, that caution would make more sense to me. As best as I can tell, "primary group" is undefined in the "default" settings as the package in installed.
Last Edit: October 22, 2020, 12:20:06 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: Invisible Groups

Reply #3

OK so let me try to explain.

Primary group: the group that shows up on under the poster information if assigned, e.g. how Emanuele is a Global Moderator. Users are not usually assigned to a primary group on install (but end up in Regular Members as a sort of 'ungrouped group of users')

When you set a user's primary group, they *stop being in Regular Members*.

Additional groups: ones assigned to the user that don't show up on the left hand side but exist and are attached to a user.

Meanwhile, groups can be visible generally e.g. on the board index info center under who's online - you can click on the group name to see who is in it. You can also make groups visible but not shown there (common if you're using additional groups for access but not anything 'secret') and lastly you can make groups invisible.

Invisble groups can never be assigned as a primary group, never show up on the board index and to all intents and purposes do not exist. The idea being to hide them from anyone who isn't a forum manager to even be aware of their existence.

Re: Invisible Groups

Reply #4

Arantor - Thank you for the explanation... now it makes sense.

Being warned as you cross a bridge to beware the "basilisk" on the other side gives the prudent pause, and raises the natural question.. the what ??    Now armed with musk of weasel and a mirror, I can proceed with confidence.

Thanks again!

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: Invisible Groups

Reply #5

Glad to help. It's one of the more warty parts of the SMF legacy that confuses people a bit :/