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The DnD Sanctuary Started by Frenzie · · Read 12301 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #15

Considering both of them are broken for SmileyFaze, indeed just a minor make-up.
For completeness' sake, ask him to try this one as well:
There are 4 variants (with and without https and www), it would be useful to know if he is able to open all of them or only some (and which ones in case).
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Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #16

Hm? The first (with www) isn't broken; it's just unclear yet whether the second is broken due to DOM insertion or lack of www. :P Your second is the one that's been proved to work, but your testcase will hopefully shed some light on the situation.

I'd figure it's probably something like noscript or adblock opposing the redirect for some reason, if it weren't that it seems to happen in all browsers.

PS It's preferable not to use quirksmode for testcases. ;)
Last Edit: April 14, 2016, 08:59:45 am by Frenzie

Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #17

 emanuele was just utterly lazy... O:-)
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Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #18

The effort of adding <!DOCTYPE html>. Oh, the humanity! :P

Btw, I noticed that although simple HTML works, it seems to be broken in some older posts.

Checking in the DB

Old post:
Code: [Select]
This might be worth a try. The rules are simple: post a nice random picture or illustration.<br><br>I'll start with one for jax: [url=]the year of the horse[/url].<br><br>&lt;img src=""&gt;

Code: [Select]
This might be worth a try. The rules are simple: post a nice random picture or illustration.<br /><br />I'll start with one for jax: [url=]the year of the horse[/url].<br /><br />&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;

The <br /> makes no difference. The key is in the unencoded quotation marks.

Now I just need to capture them all… this'll probably do.[1]
Code: [Select]
SELECT *  FROM [icode]elkdnd_messages[/icode] WHERE [icode]body[/icode] LIKE '%src="%' OR [icode]body[/icode] LIKE '%href="%'

And then to convert them somehow, but without overreaching.

Edit: submitted as #103.
Unless there's an image that has only an alt; should check for that I suppose.

Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #19

@emanuele Yup, it's the redirect. First and second are working, third and fourth are not.

Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #20

Interesting... well, at least it's easy to fix. :P

 emanuele tracks to backport to 1.0.8 if even released
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Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #21

@emanuele I asked him to go to and to confirm once again what I had already deduced. I can only assume it must be nameserver related, but I shouln't bother him any further. :P (Besides, what does one type on Windows instead of dig domain? Does some version of host exist there? :P)

Quote from: SmileyFaze –
Quote from: Frenzie – That means I know what's happening, but I don't know why. You should presumably also get a timeout if you simply browse to (as opposed to Normally would just silently redirect to, but it seems that in your case for some reason it does not. I'd suspect an extension like adblock or noscript, except obviously it's happening in all browsers.

@Frenzie    It's not a Extension (addon). I've used 2 browsers to prove this.....Pale Moon v36 (which BTW no longer uses Gecko), &  Firefox v45.

Ive installed them both fresh, & in their full version,  which  I  don't normally use....I always use portable versions if possible for personal & security reasons.

Now, both are pristine, with absolutely no addons (extensions). 

When I type in & enter after about 15 seconds or so I get a timeout....on both....& when I type in & enter it instantaneously opens the youtube website on both.  I've even gone so far as shutting down my firewall completely, & my test results were exactly the same. 

I don't know if these tests prove anything new for you, but if it's ok with you, I'd appreciate using the Video Tag for posting videos, as it works perfectly.