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SQL tool? Started by Jorin · · Read 7282 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

SQL tool?

At work I am using Toad to work with the database. Yep, I need to in the future, as I am changing from technical illustrator to an administrator for our graphic information system (I am working at an energy supply company - sorry if the words are a bit unusual, I must use Google translator a few times  :D  ) in the next years.

Is there any tool to work with the databases of my ElkArte installations? A standalone tool with a local installation? Not MySQL?

Re: SQL tool?

Reply #1

Have you looked at mysqldumper?  I used it once on another server.  Been thinking of installing it again.  Not sure what you want the tool to do.  It does pretty much anything phpmyadmin does.  Plus it will backup and restore large databases.  

Re: SQL tool?

Reply #2

I use MySQLDumper as backup tool. Didn't know it has a good SQL Editor too? I use Notepad++ too.

Well, I think I want to use a programm on my computer which connects to a set of databases, shows their tables, let me edit fields and edit the entries with SQL commands too. I know PHPMyAdmin can do this, but it's not really comfortable. There's no UNDO for example.

Re: SQL tool?

Reply #3

I use Adminer its a single file PHP based database manager.

Re: SQL tool?

Reply #4

How did I miss that? :o
LiveGallery - Simple gallery addon for ElkArte

Re: SQL tool?

Reply #5

Huh, that's awesome. I'd never even heard of it.

Re: SQL tool?

Reply #7

Toad costs more than 1.000 Euro as basis installation. Too much for a hobby.  ;)

Re: SQL tool?

Reply #9

try MySQL Workbench Community
Sorry for my English

Re: SQL tool?

Reply #10

Quote from: Jorin – Toad costs more than 1.000 Euro as basis installation. Too much for a hobby.  ;)
Ooops I didn't notice it required payment.... :-[

The other link, though, may have something interesting:

And what inter mentioned as well. :)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: SQL tool?

Reply #12

Thanks for the information, @ahrasis. No problem for me though...

Re: SQL tool?

Reply #13

I have reported it but they also said it is working with theirs too. So it may just be my setup then.

Re: SQL tool?

Reply #14

I gave a "like", but then I realized, I don't want to like that your installation may have some problems.  :D