Emoji Issues May 28, 2022, 06:44:33 pm Quote from: emanuele – May 28, 2022, 10:37:30 amYAY!I can post, though... @Spuds there is no shrugging man emoji? emanuele feels so sadHA! ... I want to refresh those at some point. When I did those I chose the intersect set between the 3 emoji "packages" so they all worked. They have had (well some have) updates since then so there may be a few more available. Of course there is a good argument to drop the set selection and simply use the most complete one that is available.
Re: Emoji Issues Reply #1 – May 29, 2022, 09:48:33 pm First bug found!"At" limits the passed array of items to 1000 ... we have more emoji than that. The result is that some items, ~200, never appear in the selection list as they are truncated.I was just going to hack in that fix, but then decided to fix the coffee scripts and setup the build environment. A senseless distraction, but its done now on my local and works.Now onto the changes made since I did the original commit, there are a few additions in the latest spec. I will note that this specific issue is because when I did the compilation across the emoji sets , only the generic/base icons were selected as they were universally supported across those sets. So although man_shrugging was not in the list person_shrugging is
Re: Emoji Issues Reply #2 – June 03, 2022, 07:27:14 pm I've done a bit of work on the Emoji "stuff" and will get an updated posted this weekend.When I first did the code, I used (3) sets of Emoji, Twitter, Noto (google) and emojitwo (now joy pixels) In doing that I did a simple set intersect, such that each set had the same list of icons to choose. This of course reduced the number (~1300) as each set did not have all the same available icons in SVG form. I think it was also based on emoji level 10, its now 14 and there is a 15. The SVG and/or font sets tend to lag behind the spec.I've now updated all the sets to level 14, I dropped emojitwo as its really behind and replaced that with openmoji. Improved the set determination code, so instead of a simple intersect will now looks to see if the difference was simple naming difference due to a variation codepoint entry, and also opened up to the full range, where before it was only based on 4 digit fully qualified entries.What the frig does all that mean ... it means now the set count is ~1800 so even moar to play with, including man_shrugging As with the previous code, the short names are based on "emoji alpha code", so for example, while the official CLDR Short Name for may be face_with_tears_of_joy here you would just use joy with the :'s of course and get