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Targets for 1.1 Started by emanuele · · Read 35900 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Targets for 1.1

1.0 is close to beta 2, so I'm starting open discussions about "the next" version... yes, better start in advance! :P

Like Norv did last year for 1.0, there is a "meta issue" at github collecting some general ideas:
Roadmap 1.1
there is also a milestone 1.1 Beta to track all the issues related to 1.1 "pre-release" (for the moment).

As usual, everybody is free to participate, discuss, suggest, propose, implement things here or there, no problem. The project belongs to the community, so don't be shy! ;D

If you have missed it, I opened a topic to discuss the release cycle, and my current proposal is to have a yearly round with a feature-freeze in September and the beta/RC cycle from November to March (7 months development, 5 month release-stabilization and bug fixes). I'd appreciate any kind of feedback, even if you are not a coder, but you are maintaining a forum, I'd like to hear if a "feature upgrade" every year is too much, not enough, correct. Any opinion is welcome in order to "fine" tune the process.

Let the party begin! 8)
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Re: Targets for 1.1

Reply #1

A feature upate once a year is totally enough. Maybe I would spread it a little more to give myself more time to find errors und fix bugs of the new functions. Never forget: Life can not be planned and anything can happen! So it can happen that the folks using ElkArte need a few weeks or months to upgrade and what about them finding bugs right before the next big upgrade? Not too much pressure?

Re: Targets for 1.1

Reply #2

Can I ask for online indicator in mobile view ?

Re: Targets for 1.1

Reply #3

this topic made me remember norv, anybody know where is he now?
192.MY.ID: Forum ISP Indonesia.

Re: Targets for 1.1

Reply #5

Quote from: kucing – this topic made me remember norv, anybody know where is he now?
We had a couple of exchanges a long while ago about... don't remember what, after she left here, but after that nothing else.
Never seen anymore on ICR, at github, here. Nothing.
Bugs creator.
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Re: Targets for 1.1

Reply #7

Norv is a she and set us on a good course  ;)

Re: Targets for 1.1

Reply #8

I feel like this evening beta 3 will get the green light.
 emanuele whistles innocently
Bugs creator.
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Re: Targets for 1.1

Reply #9

I'm new here guys and can you tell me if version 1.1 can be installed yet?  O:-)

Re: Targets for 1.1

Reply #10

Well, as I wrote last month:

Release candidates are post-beta, when all known (blocking) bugs have been fixed. The GitHub issues tracker can help show you the blockers:

So if those aren't blockers for you personally, have at it. But I'd definitely make sure your backups are in order! ;)

PS It looks quite ready from what quick testing I've done.

Re: Targets for 1.1

Reply #11

BTW, before thinking too hard about beta 2, it would be a good thing to review at least the last couple of pages of bugs reported here, there may be something that was not ported at github and may be worth having a look.
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