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OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems Started by hartiberlin · · Read 70104 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #45

Once you're on 1.1.1 you can update to 1.1.2 and then to 1.1.3. You can find the patches in the Anouncements board or here:

You could also update from 1.0.10 directly to 1.1.3, when I wrote that post the latest version was 1.1.1.
sorry for my bad english

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #46

I arrived at 1.1.3 now!  :)
Thank you for your help!! Mille grazie!!
ElkArte version: 1.1.8 / Theme: BeSocial / PHP 8.0

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #47

I have on my other bigger site 3 different attchment directories for the attachments,
because I already have over 60 GB of files there, so the loading from one directory does not take too long, if there are too many
files in one directory....

Does Elkarte also support multiple attachment directories ? will this convert correctly then with Openimporter ? Have not tried it yet...

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #48

Yes and yes, but if memory serves a little work was necessary.  I successfully converted a forum that had in the range of 150,000 attachments.  ;)

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #49

Do i really need to downgrade to 1.0.x of I want to import an SMF 1.1.16 to a fesh Elk 1.13 install?


Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #50

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to look after OI and be sure it works for 1.1.
Going by memory I don't remember any big change that would break the conversion, but my memory is not that reliable.
As soon as 1.1.4 is out I'll take a look at OI as well.
Anyway, if you can just try the import that would work as well: if it breaks, then it's not possible. :(
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Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #51

Quote from: emanuele – Unfortunately, I didn't have time to look after OI and be sure it works for 1.1.

I know...

... it failed on 1.1.13.
But meanwhile i almost succeeded going back to 1.0.10 and then upgrading.
I "just" need to delete the old smf tables from the database.
Is there an easy SQL for this? My old experience with Fortran IV and C is not very helpful in this respect ;-)

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #52

Please let me answer myself: success again - apparently; the database is not the smallest as the site has been established 12 years ago. I searched the web, and the following approach worked for me. In this case the databse is named tgf_db and the table prefix is tgf_

Maybe an optional cleanup step in openimporter?

Code: [Select]
use [b]tgf_db[/b];


SET @del = (
    FROM        information_schema.TABLES

    WHERE       TABLE_SCHEMA = 'tgf_db'
    AND         TABLE_NAME LIKE 'tgf_%'

PREPARE stmt FROM @del;

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #53

Arg... I started writing an answer, but I didn't push post... :-[ xD

Oh well, it was anyway a link to stackoverflow, so nothing more than what you found.

Quote from: bea – Maybe an optional cleanup step in openimporter?
My idea (that may not be the original one, because I started working on it later) about openimporter was to have non-destructive importer, with the idea that you can do and re-do the import and try it out, etc. any time you want and the original data are not touched at all. Unfortunately right now there may be (still) some limitations, but in theory you can have the two sets of tables in two different databases with two different users and passwords.

Providing it with a nuclear weapon... I don't know.
Bugs creator.
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Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #54

using a 2nd database would indeed be the best way to do it.

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #55

I've tried several times to do it with 2 databases, but didn't work for me, so I end up using the same database with different prefixes tables.
sorry for my bad english

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #56

That's why I said "in theory". :P
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #57

Quote from: emanuele – And that reminds me OI should be updated to support 1.1... meh. Always running behind the schedule... :'(

I'm currently handling this. At least for SMF 2.0.

Done : )
Last Edit: August 31, 2019, 04:24:46 pm by Vekseid

Re: OpenImporter FAQ ? SMF 2.0.15 to Elkarte problems

Reply #58

Awesome !!