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ElkArte 1.1.7 Patch Testing Started by Spuds · · Read 71837 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: ElkArte 1.1.7 Patch Testing

Reply #60

A link that works : Sorry @radu81.
@Steeley, i have 2 ElKarte : the first one is 1.1.4+1.1.5+1.1.6+1.1.7, the second to test 1.1.6+1.1.7.
Same thing on the twice.
It worked fine on the first one in 1.1.6 and less. For the second it was only for the test of the patch 1.1.7 and i never use it before.

Re: ElkArte 1.1.7 Patch Testing

Reply #62

It's very strange !
I made a new test just before you, on my 2 elkarte, and got the error.
I have to go to work now, but il will make new tests later.
Thank you @radu81 for your test.

Re: ElkArte 1.1.7 Patch Testing

Reply #63

Quote from: augras – It's very strange !
I made a new test just before you, on my 2 elkarte, and got the error.
I have to go to work now, but il will make new tests later.
Thank you @radu81 for your test.

"LeBeuf" n'a eu aucun problème avec l'e-mail de vérification

(Je n'ai pas cliqué sur le lien, j'ai copié et collé le lien dans mon navigateur Firefox )

English Translation: "Worked for me!"
Last Edit: March 02, 2021, 02:13:42 am by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: ElkArte 1.1.7 Patch Testing

Reply #64

Thank you @Steeley and @radu81 for your tests.
I just made tests with 2 new members and it is ok. It's from my work and i get my emails from a webmail.
At home i'm with a chromebook and i read my emails with bluemail : maybe the problem is bluemail. I will make new tests tonight at home : with bluemail and with the webmail to see if there is something different.

Re: ElkArte 1.1.7 Patch Testing

Reply #65

The only strange thing I noticed into your forum is that the links inside the confirmation mail were not active. I used a hotmail account to register on your forum and also on my test forum. On my test forum were fine.
sorry for my bad english

Re: ElkArte 1.1.7 Patch Testing

Reply #66

@radu81 the links are active for me : in the webmail (rainloop) and in the android app Bluemail. I really don't understand why the links are not active with hotmail.

I note that the link is stange : [Lien](;sa=activate;u=13;code=5hIFrMOZEwD2KA)
There is [Lien] at the beginning and the link is between () : it's not like this in others emails.
I take a look to the translation to see if i made some mistakes that can explain it, if something was wrong, but found anything.
Is it like this on your test forum ? 

As i said i made new tests at home and everything works fine with the webmail but not with Bluemail. This android app seems to have some problems.

Re: ElkArte 1.1.7 Patch Testing

Reply #67

Quote from: radu81 – The only strange thing I noticed into your forum is that the links inside the confirmation mail were not active. I used a hotmail account to register on your forum and also on my test forum. On my test forum were fine.

I believe the "links" identification is inserted by your client, radu81

My email client is Pegasus.. and its link-marking gets corrupted by the ":" in the link address, which is why I copied and pasted the full (2nd) link into my browser (rather than via the 3rd link and manually inserting the code). 
However, this would be unrelated to the problem augras is having - a bad link would not give the error result he is seeing..

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: ElkArte 1.1.7 Patch Testing

Reply #68

Quote from: augras – As i said i made new tests at home and everything works fine with the webmail but not with Bluemail. This android app seems to have some problems.

Maybe a silly question, but is it possible you are "double-clicking" the link, where the android would activate the link on just one tap, and the second tap sends a second activation, resulting in a "Already authenticated" error?

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: ElkArte 1.1.7 Patch Testing

Reply #69

A chromebook has a normal keybord and mouse. I used my mouse and it's not possible : i made one click each time.
The OS is chrome os : android app works... but not all and sometimes not like on a smartphone. Bluemail must be one that doesn't work correctly.
Quote from: augras – I note that the link is stange : [Lien](;sa=activate;u=13;code=5hIFrMOZEwD2KA)
There is [Lien] at the beginning and the link is between () : it's not like this in others emails.
How is the link to activate in your message on your own forum ? Like mine ?

Re: ElkArte 1.1.7 Patch Testing

Reply #70

This is complicated, which means my explanation is going to be so-so

First [Link](some url) is the way the links have been for some time, those are in markdown syntax when you are viewing the plain text version of an email.

In pre 1.1.7 only plain text was sent out in emails, and that trailing ')' would cause some email clients to see an invalid link or not find the link or ...  In 1.1.7 I added a special utf-8 character at the end of the link, so now they should look like
[Link]( :link:)

The purpose of that link icon was/is to force the email to contain at least (2) versions, a plain text version and a Base64 encoded version.  The thing to know is that emails can contain multiple versions of the same message, plain text is always required, then you can have base64 encoded and HTML versions and others as well.   The are supposed to be in order of increasing accuracy plain->base->html

There is some hotmail and specific "site" code like bellsouth and att ... lets call it a bunch of cruft code we have, and to be honest I have no idea if its even relevant any longer, I suspect not but all that is in as well.  That code will in some instances also send the html version but does some character manipulation.  I've resisted sending HTML versions simply because those increase the likelihood that it will be tagged as spam.  Not many plain text exploits, but plenty of HTML ones.

If you have the raw .eml file for that email that failed, that would be a BIG help in understanding if the email was wrong or that another email client is interpreting things wrong, or some other problem.

Re: ElkArte 1.1.7 Patch Testing

Reply #71

Quote from: augras –
How is the link to activate in your message on your own forum ? Like mine ?

I posted a screen shot of your registration email in a post above, @augras , and mine is below..

Other than mine being in english, what I see is pretty much like yours.  However, reading @Spuds input, I do see in the raw view of the emails that at the end of your registration email is the following:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64



And at the end of mine is:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Thank you for registering at Forum. Your username is test If you forget your password,
you can reset it by visiting

Before you can login, you first need to activate your account. To do so, please follow this link: 


Should you have any problems with activation, please visit
[Link](;sa=activate;u=18) use the code

The Forum Team.

My email client ignores the base64 encoding apparently, and if that is the culprit somehow, it explains why I don't see the "already-authenticated" error.

Hope this helps in some way...

Last Edit: March 04, 2021, 02:25:11 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //


Re: ElkArte 1.1.7 Patch Testing

Reply #72

That base64 decodes to:
QuoteMerci de vous être inscrit sur Support ZwiiCMS. Votre identifiant est LeBeuf. Si vous oubliez votre
mot de passe, vous pouvez le réinitialiser en allant là

Avant de pouvoir vous connecter vous devez d'abord activer votre compte en cliquant sur le lien
suivant : 


Si vous deviez avoir des problèmes avec votre activation veuillez allez sur le lien
[Lien](;sa=activate;u=11) et saisir le code

L'équipe de Support ZwiiCMS
Its encoded since there are non ascii characters, so this encoded version is more a more accurate representation of the content.  Still the link has the trailing ) ... Hummmm

Re: ElkArte 1.1.7 Patch Testing

Reply #73

Quote from: Spuds – Still the link has the trailing ) ... Hummmm

If you look at my screenshot my client correctly recognizes the link (the "active" part of the link doesn't include the parenthesis )
Even where it does get goofed up (see my screenshot of augras authentication in the post earlier) is still ignores the parenthesis.

I'm not sure how practical it is trying to configure forum code to be compatible with everybody's client and browser quirks.   :P

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: ElkArte 1.1.7 Patch Testing

Reply #74

I try to make an eml export and come back.