Steeley, i will need google translator for trying to understand your post proper, will do this now... (darn...why did you remove a part of your text?)
But first:
Please change this string on line 90 in your ManageBoards.english.php:
$txt['boardsaccess_option_desc'] = 'For each permission you can choose \'Allow\' (A), \'Ignore\' (X), or <span class="alert">\'Deny\' (D)</span>.<br /><br />If you deny access, any member - (including moderators) - in that group will be denied access.<br />For this reason, you should set deny carefully, only when <strong>necessary</strong>. Ignore, on the other hand, denies unless otherwise granted.';
Believe me, it is wrong. Thats a pretty old mistake in the english language files. I remember, that I corrected this a long time ago in the german files. I know, how this feature works and another proof, that this english text is wrong is, that the text is only displayed, if the admin enables "deny board access based on members group".
The english text of the string on line 90 should be something like this:
$txt['boardsaccess_option_desc'] = 'For each group you can choose \'Allow\' (A), \'Not allowed\' (X), or <span class="alert">\'Deny\' (D)</span>.<br /><br />If you deny access, any member - (including moderators) - in that group will be denied access.<br />For this reason, you should set deny carefully, only when <strong>necessary</strong>. Not allowed, on the other hand, denies unless otherwise granted.';
The settings of your board are (almost) fine, you dont need to deny here any group the access. The X is enough for not allowing to see and use this board.
Set all groups to X . Except "Global Moderator" and "Free Spirits", they should both have an A for "allowed", because they should see this board.
None of your groups is based on the number posts? So none of them is like "Regular Members"? This is something, you need to watch, if you want to deny access once for a board: Every group/member belongs to "Regular Members" as well, so "Regular Members" or any other of the "based on post groups" should never been set on "D".
You also need to look, if a member belongs for example to "Free Spirits" and to "Air crew", if you might use "deny" for one of this two groups in a board one day. But only with A and X all will be fine:
"Free Spirits" have an A, so it matters not, that some of them belong also to the group "Air crew", which is set on X in this board. Every member, who belongs to the group "Free Spirits" has access to this board. And members, who belong only to the group "Air crew" wont see this board, because the X is working for them.