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Ok, the new quote goes to quick reply is annoying Started by scripple · · Read 7995 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Ok, the new quote goes to quick reply is annoying

Reply #15

ehhh... yes, on day or another... O:-)
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Re: Ok, the new quote goes to quick reply is annoying

Reply #16

I use the quick reply pretty rarely, only for very simple replies where I'm already at the bottom of the page.  I also use it from a script in an addon but I can easily remove that if it eventually comes down to QR being all or nothing.  My issue with expanding the box via a script is that that's not how the other collapsed areas in elk work.  It breaks the UI.  If a user makes a choice to collapse something then you shouldn't expand it automatically when a clear alternative path (the post page in this case) exists.  It's like a short cut from having to go into look and layout and click a box and click save.  Except now it's an inconsistent short cut.

I especially avoid quick reply on mobile on my forum because I have animated smileys and they slow down the page when typing.  So I always use the post page where I load alternate static smileys.  (And before you ask, the users voted not to go to static smileys everywhere.)

But for quoting I find the QR annoying because of the default small box size and the lack of the ctrl+enter feature.  I also find it annoying because if I'm quoting multiple recent messages the post page always has a predictable number of post pages but QR is subject to the pagination of the standard reading pages.  I'd probably leave QR open and use it more if quotes always went to the post page like the reply button does.  And that's also something I find a little odd that two buttons right next to each other behave so differently, but I guess there's no other way to let people who like the QR box use quotes.

So if the majority really thinks this is how QR and quoting should work, as long as the post page isn't going away I guess I can live with having to turn off the QR and leave it off.  But if you're going that route maybe it shouldn't be collapsible and there should be some hint how to turn it off.  I know a lot of users never explore the huge list of options in the look and layout page.

Re: Ok, the new quote goes to quick reply is annoying

Reply #17

Just for reference, I changed that behavior, discussed here:

split quote should work fine and the box not be small if you have enabled "use full editor in qr" or whatever that option is called in look and layout
Last Edit: June 25, 2014, 11:20:20 am by Spuds

Re: Ok, the new quote goes to quick reply is annoying

Reply #18

Quote from: scripple – Except now it's an inconsistent short cut.
Make sense.

Quote from: scripple – I especially avoid quick reply on mobile on my forum because I have animated smileys and they slow down the page when typing.  So I always use the post page where I load alternate static smileys.  (And before you ask, the users voted not to go to static smileys everywhere.)
Usually I don't ask others to change what they do, I try to understand why they do something. ;) Of course once in a while I sneak in the code something odd that may or may not be welcome... It happens. O:-)
That's actually an interesting solution.
So in the post page all the smiley that appear in the posts below are different from the ones that usually are around, did I get it right?

Quote from: scripple – But for quoting I find the QR annoying because of the default small box size and the lack of the ctrl+enter feature.
 emanuele knows the feeling. O:-)

Quote from: scripple –  I also find it annoying because if I'm quoting multiple recent messages the post page always has a predictable number of post pages but QR is subject to the pagination of the standard reading pages.  I'd probably leave QR open and use it more if quotes always went to the post page like the reply button does.  And that's also something I find a little odd that two buttons right next to each other behave so differently, but I guess there's no other way to let people who like the QR box use quotes.
Well, they are not exactly "next to each other", one is next to each message, the other is at the beginning or at the end of the page, but okay. :P

Quote from: scripple – So if the majority really thinks this is how QR and quoting should work, as long as the post page isn't going away I guess I can live with having to turn off the QR and leave it off.  But if you're going that route maybe it shouldn't be collapsible and there should be some hint how to turn it off.  I know a lot of users never explore the huge list of options in the look and layout page.
I think I added the js code because it seemed somehow not illogical, the idea I had of the general usage was that you either have it on or do not have it at all. I never understood the reason to have it closed, I never see an actual use for that state. Now you say that you keep it close in order to "force" the quote to go to the post page and is a hint.

So, thank you very much for taking the time to describe your use-case, very appreciated. :)

I'd have another question if you don't mind, how do you feel about multi-quoting?
I opened a topic a while ago trying to collect ideas. Reading your description, it may look like a kind of multi-quote may help in your case (in the sense that it would give you much more freedom and "easiness" on the process), but I'm not entirely sure. You may pick quotes while you are reading and then put them back all at once in the editor (or one at the time while answering) in the post page.
Of course I'm just throwing around ideas while writing.
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Re: Ok, the new quote goes to quick reply is annoying

Reply #19

Personally I'd be in favor of removing the post page if we of course moved attachments and all the other features into the topic (display template) view.
Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion, you must set yourself on fire!

Re: Ok, the new quote goes to quick reply is annoying

Reply #20

Quote from: emanuele –
Quote from: scripple – I especially avoid quick reply on mobile on my forum because I have animated smileys and they slow down the page when typing.  So I always use the post page where I load alternate static smileys.  (And before you ask, the users voted not to go to static smileys everywhere.)
Usually I don't ask others to change what they do, I try to understand why they do something. ;) Of course once in a while I sneak in the code something odd that may or may not be welcome... It happens. O:-)
That's actually an interesting solution.
So in the post page all the smiley that appear in the posts below are different from the ones that usually are around, did I get it right?
Yes that is correct.  The smileys in the post below and the smileys in the editor selection row and popup are all replaced with static single frame versions of the animated smileys that appear on normal reading pages.

Quote from: emanuele – Well, they are not exactly "next to each other", one is next to each message, the other is at the beginning or at the end of the page, but okay. :P
You're right.  I always think they are together.  And then when I go to hit reply to my brain it's like "Where is the damn reply button???".  No idea why that association exists or why it won't go away.

Quote from: emanuele – So, thank you very much for taking the time to describe your use-case, very appreciated. :)
You're welcome.  Thanks for discussing with an open mind.

Quote from: emanuele – I'd have another question if you don't mind, how do you feel about multi-quoting?
I opened a topic a while ago trying to collect ideas. Reading your description, it may look like a kind of multi-quote may help in your case (in the sense that it would give you much more freedom and "easiness" on the process), but I'm not entirely sure. You may pick quotes while you are reading and then put them back all at once in the editor (or one at the time while answering) in the post page.
Of course I'm just throwing around ideas while writing.
I've done plenty of replies that quoted multiple posts.  Especially with my image annotation tending to have people leave several comments on a single post as they annotate various images.  An easy way to check the posts I'd like quoted and then when I press quote would put them all in with a line space between them would be quite handy.

Re: Ok, the new quote goes to quick reply is annoying

Reply #21

 emanuele should remember to remove the js (I'm messing with some other stuff I prefer to finish before switching branch to avoid even bigger messes)
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Re: Ok, the new quote goes to quick reply is annoying

Reply #22

So we are going to revert ?  Just trying to understand what we are doing.

Re: Ok, the new quote goes to quick reply is annoying

Reply #23

I'd say just that piece:
Code: [Select]
+	// Collapsed on a quote, expand it but don't update the user setting
  if (this.bCollapsed)
- window.location.href = elk_prepareScriptUrl(this.opt.sScriptUrl) + 'action=post;quote=' + iMessageId + ';topic=' + this.opt.iTopicId + '.' + this.opt.iStart;
- return false;
+ this.bCollapsed = !this.bCollapsed;
+ this.swap(false, false);
not the entire stuff that to me still makes a lot of sense.
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Re: Ok, the new quote goes to quick reply is annoying

Reply #24

I'd think you could remove most of those changes TBH ... meaning why have  a minimize at all on the qr area or why save the expand/collapse state?  If whats wanted is the original way then  I think having the multiple options (yuk) in the profile should be set back and add better descriptions of what the behavior will be with each option.   Just please give me a hook so I can write an addon :D