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Elkarte vs "Newer" Forums like Flarum / Discourse Started by niloc · · Read 25935 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Elkarte vs "Newer" Forums like Flarum / Discourse

I've been an SMF user for years, before joining ElkArte due to better updates and people, and it's been.. a looong time now. Two decades?

As I've been reading up on all sorts of forum softwares, I'm wondering what are the advantages that "traditional" forums like ElkArte have over "newer" forums like Flarum / Discourse?

I know one huge disadvantage with Discourse, you can't run it on a shared host. It has to be on a digital drop. That's expensive.

But besides that, I'm trying to think of the pros and cons of both.

Anyone here have any experiences with both and mind sharing your thoughts? Would be really glad to hear your opinions out!  :cool:
Facta, non verba.

Re: Elkarte vs \

Reply #2

I agree this that:point_up_2:

Quote from: niloc – and it's been.. a looong time now. Two decades?
Just a decade :partying_face: I think 1.0 beta was about 10 1/2 years ago ..  between 1.0.0 and 1.1.9 there have been over 20 "official" releases so not a bad pace of getting things fixed or adding a new features here and there.

As for what is best, well there are a lot of options available so its .. what works best for you and your community.  I personally don't have much experience with  Flarum / Discourse style forums as none of the sites I participate on use them, all are what you would consider traditional style (I guess that would be the term).