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Skoda Club Italia Started by radu81 · · Read 33910 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Skoda Club Italia

Hello and thanks to all Elkarte people who helped me on this community.

I finally connvert my SMF board to Elkarte. It is a board with almost 1.000 users and 30.000 messages.  The template is not finished, but I'll do it in the next days.

The addons used:
1   Fancy Box 4 ElkArte   1.0   
2   Attachment Image Resize   
3   Users online today   0.2.1   
4   Inline Attachments   1.0   
5   Google Member Map   1.0   
6   Url Favicon   0.0.1   
7   Google Analytics tracking   0.0.1   
8   SimplePortal
sorry for my bad english

Re: Skoda Club Italia

Reply #1

Welcome to ElkArte ;)

Re: Skoda Club Italia

Reply #2

Finally my error log on my forum is almost clean ;) I'll keep an eye on it and let you know if I have problems.

For now my users are glad with the new forum ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: Skoda Club Italia

Reply #3

Looks great! :D
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Skoda Club Italia

Reply #4

After almost 3 months with Elkarte I have to say I'm glad with this conversion. The forum is fast, simple and works very well from mobile. No more tapatalk, dedicated mobile template and incompatibility problmes between mods and mobile template or Tapatalk.
I did other software conversions in the past on other forums and I always noticed some small decline of traffic in the first months. Well that was not the case with Elkarte. On smf I had the Optimus Brave mod which added to topic title the category board and name of the forum. I'am not using any similar addon for this on elkarte. My addons are:
1 Attachment Image Resize
2 Switch Permissions 1.0
3 MPAAP - Modify Posts At Anytime Permission
4 Users online today 0.2.1
5 Inline Attachments 1.0
6 Google Member Map 1.0
8 SimpleAds 1.0.1
9 Fancy Box 4 ElkArte 1.0
10 Url Favicon 0.0.1
11 Google Analytics tracking 0.0.1
12 SimplePortal

I converted on 30 or 31 december and here is a screenshot from G. Analytics for daily stats from september 2014 until yesterday ;)

I only noticed a small drop of registered users, because on SMF I had registration with Facebook availble. I'm not missing that mod because most of that users are incactive. My elk stats:
Last Edit: March 14, 2015, 11:35:53 am by radu81
sorry for my bad english

Re: Skoda Club Italia

Reply #6

Interesting results! :D
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Skoda Club Italia

Reply #7

Great! Well done!  :)

Re: Skoda Club Italia

Reply #8

Quote from: radu81 – It is a board with almost 1.000 users and 30.000 messages.
after 1 year and three months on elkarte my stats went to: more than 2.000 users and 100.000 posts. The forum is 4 years old, but the first two years were not positive for us
sorry for my bad english

Re: Skoda Club Italia

Reply #9

Could you share a bit more about the conversion process itself, if you still remember? Like what issues there were, if any. I'm prepping to make the switch myself, so I'l be writing a few new add-ons for Elk. I've concluded I like the prospects better than SMF 2.1, plus I find the code base easier to comprehend.

Re: Skoda Club Italia

Reply #10

In the past I did this topic

The main issue was the absence of a gallery, but tbh I am not missing it now. Probably is not even necessary for my niche, nobody asked for the gallery on my forum, instead a few users complained about Tapatalk that is not availble for ElkArte.

Take into consideration that I am not a developer, and even for a noob like me the conversion went fine, I did not loose anything apart the gallery. The gallery was a new addon on my smf, I had probably 200 images and most of them were inserted manually as attachments into smf before the migration

Another issue I remember was the Thank-o-matic mod on smf, but the importer converts the "thank you" data into likes
sorry for my bad english

Re: Skoda Club Italia

Reply #11

Cool, thanks! Sounds about like what I was hoping for. I have users who are quite attached to features like first post on every page and bookmarks, so conversion will be somewhat involved. But probably not more so than moving to SMF 2.1.

Re: Skoda Club Italia

Reply #12

you're welcome ;)

For first post on every page I am afraid there is nothing similar to ElkArte, but for bookmarks we have this addon (I didn't use it or test it)
sorry for my bad english

Re: Skoda Club Italia

Reply #13

I've seen, but I'll have to migrate the data. ;) First post on every page is one of the things I'll look into writing myself.

Re: Skoda Club Italia

Reply #14

Oddly enough I have an addon here on my localhost named "Pin First Message", but I can't find it published anywhere...
Looking at the code it seems fine and it should work... LOL And that's the second time I forgot about it! xD
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.