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Change poster Started by Nefea · · Read 1665 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Change poster

I'm wondering if this is a feature that is planned for Elkarte.

Eg. Dummy1 makes a post but Dummy2 should stand as the poster. Something that only admins (or someone with the right) can change.

During my years as admin on forums I have seen this needed lot of times.
Game forums where eg. it is the present guild leaders/officers name who stand on the rules, or members who have made very useful topics but now want their account deleted.

Re: Change poster

Reply #1

Funny you suggest that.
I am the holder of the original SMF mod to do just this. We'll have to see if someone wants to port it to Elk and update it, as I had trouble doing so for later SMF versions.

Re: Change poster

Reply #2

Well, good news is, I got my mod fixed for SMF 2.0.x...
Bad news is, it's not hooks, so if I was to try to port this over myself, it'd be all edits, and no hooks.

Also, I'm not too certain of the database changes from SMF 2.0 to ElkArte, in the areas this mod affects.
So, I'll need @emanuele or @Spuds or @TE to help me out on porting this over.

Any one of those three, can PM me for a copy of the mod. :)

Re: Change poster

Reply #3

For the moment I have tons of things on my todo list, so I'll try to avoid taking more on boards, sorry... :-[
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Features destroyer.
Template killer.