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Addons board? Started by emanuele · · Read 10601 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Addons board?

We have our first beta out (and maybe "soonish" a beta 1.1 or 2), what do you think about a board for addons?
Share them, discuss them, the usual stuff.

Maybe we (as in everybody that has an idea on how to create it ;)) could put together and add a "label topics" addon to the site and apply it to that board as well, to help organize things?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Addons board?

Reply #1

Just giving this a bump.

There are several addons available so it may make sense to have a board to highlight whats available?  What should be in the board?  A topic per addon?  or maybe just redirects to the repos where they live?  I "completed"  :P 3 addons in the last few days so I'm working away on them, creating bugs on the way of course !

Re: Addons board?

Reply #2

Use the wiki on Github and then make the board redirect to that.

Re: Addons board?

Reply #3

I'd say a normal board where anyone can advertise their addons with preferably one topic per addon (or one topic per author, if the author prefers like that).

Let's face it: people looking for addons are not people used to github neither to its wiki. They are used to forums and as such they expect to find things in a forum.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Addons board?

Reply #4

Good point

Re: Addons board?

Reply #5

It is time to have a list of themes and mods made available for first time visitors.

Re: Addons board?

Reply #6

Quote from: meetdilip – It is time to have a list of themes and mods made available for first time visitors.

I volunteer you to make that list. :)
Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion, you must set yourself on fire!

Re: Addons board?

Reply #7

I wish I could. Hardly get time for such work these days.  :(

Re: Addons board?

Reply #8

I'd favour a board with one topic per addon, same for themes (inkl. variants + custom.css files)
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Addons board?

Reply #9

I think board would be great and easy to locate as well.

Re: Addons board?

Reply #10

I'll get something added in the next few days unless someone beats me to it ... been busy writing addons so I have something to post about !


Re: Addons board?

Reply #11

When someone submits a topic tagging addon, you should probably implement that in this addons board. It makes searching much easier, especially if you're not going to use a wiki or something with more granular categorization.