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What does ElkArte have that others scripts don't give ? Started by meetdilip · · Read 12489 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: What does ElkArte have that others scripts don't give ?

Reply #15

Eliana and I both prefer the old Light variant over the new BeSocial! variant. My comment yesterday on Pidgin was "Hey, I figured out what was wrong with the old default. It's slick enough to pass for a custom theme, so that's no good. A default has to be uglier." :P
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: What does ElkArte have that others scripts don't give ?

Reply #16

I couldn't agree more with Emanuele. Elkarte isn't special... yet. What it does have is a good environment for development which will help it succeed. I'm enjoying it because there is a lot of low-hanging fruit which offers a good way to learn some new stuff .

Oh and don't worry about making me angry. Your questioning the code and my reasoning is an excellent way for me to ensure it is valid. When I explain the reasoning, it helps me flesh it out. It also ensures that I know why I did something and then it is "documented," even if that documentation is only in an IM.

Re: What does ElkArte have that others scripts don't give ?

Reply #17

Quote from: Antechinus – Hey, I figured out what was wrong with the old default. It's slick enough to pass for a custom theme, so that's no good. A default has to be uglier." :P
Thankfully I'm above those pe*is length comparisons.. :P And by the way: light is the default variant...
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: What does ElkArte have that others scripts don't give ?

Reply #18

Didn't realise. I thought it had been scrapped as default since it wasn't being used here. Not that it really bothers me since I can use what I like anyway, and it's all subjective.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: What does ElkArte have that others scripts don't give ?

Reply #19

Oh, forgot to add: this is a kind of SWOT analysis[1] and I find useful to find weaknesses too, not only strengths. ;D
taking a course on marketing and sales lol
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: What does ElkArte have that others scripts don't give ?

Reply #20

Quote from: TE –
Quote from: Antechinus – Hey, I figured out what was wrong with the old default. It's slick enough to pass for a custom theme, so that's no good. A default has to be uglier." :P
Thankfully I'm above those pe*is length comparisons.. :P And by the way: light is the default variant...

I hope this means in the Elk package, because it's not's default variant. When I load up a page when I'm not logged in, it's clearly the Be Social! variant.

Re: What does ElkArte have that others scripts don't give ?

Reply #21

yep, you're right.... It was initally switched from "light" to "Be Social!" for testing purposes.. I don't mind switching back to light, light is still nice on the desktop, "Be Social!" has it's strenghts on mobile devices.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: What does ElkArte have that others scripts don't give ?

Reply #22

It (_light) should work on mobile since the markup is the same. The CSS does contain stuff which is probably not optimal for mobile (hover effects for one) but some of that could be dropped via media queries if anyone thinks it's important.

Really the font stack should probably be changed in the queries too. Android's native font is Roboto, IIRC. I called that in the mobile font stack for the custom theme I did at CEMB.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: What does ElkArte have that others scripts don't give ?

Reply #23

Quote from: emanuele – Oh, forgot to add: this is a kind of SWOT analysis[1] and I find useful to find weaknesses too, not only strengths. ;D
More like a SWOT discussion. SWOT gets in-depth as to the validity of each characteristic and examines competition. This would be completely missing the O and T hehe. I kind of did this over at SMF at one point.

Very good to learn about SWOT though. It's important to have focus and that's one of the best ways of determining what you should focus on (prioritization).
taking a course on marketing and sales lol

Re: What does ElkArte have that others scripts don't give ?

Reply #24

Emanuele, I think that is a good way to pose the question to people though. What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to Elkarte.

Strengths are things that Elkarte does well or better than others.
Weaknesses are things that Elkarte doesn't do well. Things that need improvement to make it better. Sometimes you can't improve a weakness without lessening a strength, but it should be listed.
Opportunities are things that it could do better to be better than the competition. The best opportunities are ones which match the strengths.
Threats are things that others are doing that could be problematic. As examples: that goes from lessening forum use to some new feature on phpBB.


Re: What does ElkArte have that others scripts don't give ?

Reply #25

With forum software it hard to have something different then the next guy, I think making sure what you have works and works well is something better. There are too many out there trying to be different but when you cut them all down it's still just forum software.