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How to manually remove banned user? Started by kucing · · Read 2008 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

How to manually remove banned user?

This morning I just banned a spammer on my forum. The problem is (several hours later) I cannot access because the forum banned me. :(

QuoteSorry Guest, you are banned from using this forum!
This ban is not set to expire.

Looks like I misclicked or something. I want to clear the banned list but cannot. Help.  :'(

Edit, Solved. I removed it manually in the database. weird problem. the user is clearly the spammer but my username banned too.

Edit2: ah.. maybe because i don't specify banned on what criteria (in the trigger).

Re: How to manually remove banned user?

Reply #1

Quote from: kucing – Edit2: ah.. maybe because i don't specify banned on what criteria (in the trigger).

IMO the software should prevent such a situation, not giving any ban criteria at all. You didn't specify anything?

Re: How to manually remove banned user?

Reply #2

A nice list with the steps you used to ban that member would have been great, there are several ways to ban and, despite they should all be equivalent, it is possible that different paths lead to different behaviours.

I'll try to debug it, in the mean time if you come up with all the steps feel free to post it. ;)

Quote from: kucing – Edit2: ah.. maybe because i don't specify banned on what criteria (in the trigger).
That creates just an empty ban.
Banning is done on triggers, not on "ban". If there is no trigger, there is no banning.
My best bet would be you banned the IP, then you logged out, finally a few hours later your IP was replaced (is your IP dynamic?) with the banned one, and at that point you were unable to enter again.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: How to manually remove banned user?

Reply #3

If you have access to phpmyadmin or similar, Could you remove the last entry from elkarte_ban_items  ... that may remove the ban?