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Attachments in Quick Reply Started by forumovod · · Read 3936 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Difference between Elkarte Li...

Attachments in Quick Reply

When mobile users see a Quick Reply, they think that they can't attach images to a post.

How do I make sure that instead of the Quick Reply form, there is a Post reply form under the last post?
Or how to make sure that under the last post there is a Quick Reply form with a button for attaching images?

theme Be Social

Last Edit: September 07, 2020, 07:25:33 pm by forumovod

Re: Attachments in Quick Reply

Reply #1

Having the ability to do attachments in the quick reply is not a bad idea, since there is an otherwise full-featured editor in the quick reply now. Not sure offhand how you'd do it (would have to dig  into the code) but it's worth looking at.

Post template would be almost redundant if attachments were enabled in the quick reply. About the only thing it would still be good for is setting up polls and calendar events.

BTW, this is getting off topic for the thread title. It should probably be split to another thread.
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Re: Attachments in Quick Reply

Reply #2

Quote from: Antechinus – BTW, this is getting off topic for the thread title. It should probably be split to another thread.

Let the moderator move the topic.
I didn't find a suitable section here for the topic about adding an attachment button to the Quick Reply form.

Re: Attachments in Quick Reply

Reply #3

I also had members asking over and over how to attach files. I did a quick guide and I link that every time they ask.

A quick and simple solution that worked for me was to rename the "Preview" button in "Preview and attachments". Anyway would be nice to see something included into core.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Attachments in Quick Reply

Reply #4

Even flarum doesn't have that as a built in, which I think is good for a "quick reply", but yeah things evolve, thus, if it will not burden the page loading and the server, I'd say it could be a good additional feature that can be turned on from admin control panel. Default should be off though.

Re: Attachments in Quick Reply

Reply #5

Good idea about renaming that button. That could be default. :)
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Attachments in Quick Reply

Reply #6

Quote from: radu81 – A quick and simple solution that worked for me was to rename the "Preview" button in "Preview and attachments". Anyway would be nice to see something included into core.

Users are now lazy and many of them will not go anywhere.
Therefore, this solution should be considered as temporary, not user-friendly.

Re: Attachments in Quick Reply

Reply #7

Well... dropping the "post" page is one of my long lasting dreams.
One place to create posts should be just enough.
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Re: Attachments in Quick Reply

Reply #8

Quote from: emanuele – Well... dropping the "post" page is one of my long lasting dreams.
One place to create posts should be just enough.

Angry users write that they can't make an attachment to the post.
Yes, if the Quick Reply is enabled, the quote is inserted in the Quick Reply, not in the Reply.


Users think that this is a bug (with the inability to attach a photo) that the forum admin doesn't fix.  :D
I was forced to disable Quick Reply.
Last Edit: September 27, 2020, 11:04:04 pm by forumovod

Re: Attachments in Quick Reply

Reply #9

You still have to have the post page, it cannot be avoided - because you need somewhere to make topics. Unless you want to export the entire posting interface to the message index as well to be able to create topics there.

Re: Attachments in Quick Reply

Reply #10

Well, you oculd see the "new topic" page as simply an empty topic with a textarea to write your first message in.
Not exactly the current dedicated "post page", but a "topic view" with no messages.
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