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Variants VS themes Started by emanuele · · Read 9824 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Variants VS themes

It's a  while  I have this idea in mind, to final users the difference between a theme and a variant may be difficult to grasp  (and probably not even relevant).
So, what do you think if in the profile variants are listed the same as a "real" theme instead of a small dropdownnot even very wel visible?

Of course this would be just a  cosmetic change not even in the admin panel, only in the profile.
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Re: Variants VS themes

Reply #1

Sounds good to me. Users don't need to know about how something looks on the backend.
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Re: Variants VS themes

Reply #2

Can't see anything wrong with that. Only possible problem, which is not likely to be significant in practice, is that the page could get rather long if someone is running a lot of variants.
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