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A few questions Started by Andrew B. · · Read 1859 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

A few questions

First, the forum looks great. Nice clean design. So far I'm finding things, except I'm confused about a couple things.

I have the ability to watch and/or receive notification for a thread. But I don't see where to find a list of my watched threads. Or where to set up the type or frequency of the notification.

Re: A few questions

Reply #1

I am so used to the interface that I missed it...

Actually this is a "double" inconsistency:
1) the "watch/unwatch" is meant to work in pair with the "unread replies" button at the top (by default when you reply the topic is listed there, and with watch/unwatch you can decide not to follow it any more),
2) it is not meant to work the other way around (i.e. you did not reply and start watching a topic), and the inconsistency is that the button is always there.

Something to simplify in 1.1 I guess, that is basically what I was thinking when I posted a while ago. ;)

Regarding where to set the frequency you can change it in your profile, under "modify profile" > "notifications":;area=notification
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Re: A few questions

Reply #2

The other notification items should be under your profile settings (the top right button) ... for notifications its profile -> modify profile -> notifications ( ?action=profile;area=notification )