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How do you fight Spam ? Started by Nifty · · Read 8351 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

How do you fight Spam ?

how do you prevent your Boards from becoming a Spam target ?

I have three Points on my Board:
- Registration: Email activation & "Question & Answer"
- Guest's cant Post
- New Users: Postings are Moderated for the first 2 Posts and 48 Hours after the first Post.

This makes the Board very unattractive for Spammers and even if they get through: there Posts get no approve and that's it.

I have no blacklists Captchas or anything like this in Place.

Re: How do you fight Spam ?

Reply #1

Pretty much the same.
On one board the first message is moderated, while on another one there is no post moderation.
And there is a reason: the moderated one is like that not for bots, but because of a certain user that caused a ruckus registering multiple accounts, and after that episode the countermeasure remained in place.
On the other one, instead, the few spammers are removed in a matters of minutes, I prefer that rather than have users wait until their post is approved.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: How do you fight Spam ?

Reply #2

I installed a Modification for"the Moderation of the First 2 Posts and the 48h after first post" after my Forum got flooded by Spammers overnight.

btw: How do you detect Users registering more than once ?
currently i have for this
- Cookies (based on the VB AE Detection)
- Flash Cookies (this is getting irrelevant at the moment as flash support  dropps)
- Device/Browser/Fingerprinting (has limitations & false positives)
and i am working on a hsts detection at the moment

Re: How do you fight Spam ?

Reply #3

Personally I'm not really that concerned by users registering twice, usually I can pick them after the first post based on their writing style.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: How do you fight Spam ?

Reply #4

I only used what available in Elkarte, no addon.

Strangely on my first forum using Elk there are spammer that succeed, but on my second forum there is none until now. I forgot what is the version of my first Elk but the difference is just the version is newer.
192.MY.ID: Forum ISP Indonesia.

Re: How do you fight Spam ?

Reply #5

Your position in search engines and your linkbacks matters a lot for how much you'll get attacked by spammers. They need to know you're out there and the way they do that is by links from search engines and other sites.

Re: How do you fight Spam ?

Reply #7

My forum is not a big one and very few visitors check it. So i don't have any spammers till now. Only email verification during registration is enabled.

Re: How do you fight Spam ?

Reply #8

I guess we have a No CAPTCHA add on as well ?

Re: How do you fight Spam ?

Reply #9

Oops, yes we do have that :D

Re: How do you fight Spam ?

Reply #10

Captcha didn't do for me anything except irritate real users, bots still were on my forum.
Now I use verification questions with Polish letters in answers, works pretty good :)

Re: How do you fight Spam ?

Reply #11

Anyone try recaptcha?

Re: How do you fight Spam ?

Reply #12

I used old one (with very poor effects), did not have to use new with only checkbox


Re: How do you fight Spam ?

Reply #14


I gave a shot at packaging that up so you don't have to copy over files.  So here is the all hook version, if it works please give it back to the KeyCaptcha folks (maybe they would list it on their site like the others, that would be cool).  I tried to register for an account but never got the email (tried two different accounts as well)