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Javascript & features Started by emanuele · · Read 22244 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Javascript & features

Quote from: emanueleI was wondering: and what if we do what github does? (i.e. just do the relative via javascript and nothing else?)
Quote from: TEmhh, the more I think about that .... I believe you're right in calculating it via javascript only.
Quote from: SpudsHumm ... there is a certain logic to that yes ... would prevent the email issue you described, only downside is those not using JS but I'm really not sure that is a valid concern these days?

So, all the features should work even with js disabled?

I'm one of those that browses with noscript and enables only the scripts I think should be enabled.

But I think that in the WWW of today, browse completely without js is impossible, so I'm fine with rely on js for "several" things.
As an example the mentioning recently introduced works only if js is enabled (and I'm not speaking about the droppy, I mean the real notification, the @emanuele is notified only and only if javascript is enabled and works as expected, because the code relies on a series of hidden input fields added for each @name in the body message, so that the only server-side processing is fetch the usernames (and this could actually avoided if we want POSTing the names too along with the id_member) and do the replace).

So, where do we draw the line?
Is relative time something that should always work or it is acceptable to have it working only for people with js enabled?
I was thinking that having it in js or not  would "affect" also how search engines see the site, because one thing is return the "just now" in the html and another one is return the actual date and time. No idea if it is relevant in some way.
Bugs creator.
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Re: Javascript & features

Reply #1

Quote ... or it is acceptable to have it working only for people with js enabled?
Short answer is yes.

relative times is just a "cosmetic" aspect. There is no impairment regarding functionality while using the normal date format.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Javascript & features

Reply #2

Let me join here as I make my money with such things...

Quote from: emanuele – But I think that in the WWW of today, browse completely without js is impossible

A website which doesn't work without JavaScript has not much to say IMO. Forcing the users to allow JavaScript so they can see more shiny animations (mostly replacable by CSS3 transitions anyway) is ridiculous.

Also, ElkArte is not about the effects. Without JavaScript, all features of a board system should still work, minus the popups and fancy blinking stuff, of course. Why would anyone have to enable JavaScript just to write text into a database?

Re: Javascript & features

Reply #3

Well... I didn't say anything about writing things into a database, neither I said I would make Elk similar to one of those websites you have to enable javascript just to see the text. :P

Auto-saved drafts are a feature, but without javascript they cannot work.
Preview works both ways.
The "jump to" works only if js is on.
The "more" droppy works without js too.
Any collapse/expand except the categories works only if javascript is on.
The editor obviously doesn't work without js.
Create a poll without js is quite painful (IIRC).
Part of the admin panel may not work properly without js.
Quick moderation and edit are completely useless without js.

So, where should we draw the line?
Is relative time something we can live without if js is disabled or it is a fundamental part of the features that has to work no matter what?
Bugs creator.
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Re: Javascript & features

Reply #4

(Second account as I can't log in with my OpenID account on another machine, always taken to the registration form ... WTF?! - Feel free to take this as another serious bug report.)

The line should be drawn as wide as possible IMO. Creating polls is OK if it requires JS as it's not a common task. Common tasks should work without JS though.

(One more thing: The avatar pictures in the mobile interface are too small. Drop them or resize them; the way they are is pointless.)
Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 06:27:20 am by forumsearch0r2

Re: Javascript & features

Reply #5

Quote from: forumsearch0r2 – (Second account as I can't log in with my OpenID account on another machine, always taken to the registration form ... WTF?! - Feel free to take this as another serious bug report.)
I thought you had registered your primary account without OpenID because of a timeout?
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Javascript & features

Reply #6

Yes, but as stated later I could still only log in with my OpenID regardless of the timeout, the password didn't work. Now (on a different machine), both don't work. WTH.

Re: Javascript & features

Reply #7

Quote from: forumsearch0r2 – (One more thing: The avatar pictures in the mobile interface are too small. Drop them or resize them; the way they are is pointless.)
I don't have any mobile stuff, so...
What do you think of the attached?
Bugs creator.
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Re: Javascript & features

Reply #8

I like that! :)

(Random note: The "up/down" slider on the right side is pretty much... too much on the mobile site. Maybe turn it off?)

(Yep, this is my other machine.)

Re: Javascript & features

Reply #9

I was now playing a bit with that too, see attachments.
I'm facing a problem though in that configuration: the dropdowns on the right are pushed outside the screen... >:(

Of course I'm just playing with it, dunno exactly what I'm doing... LOL

Re: Javascript & features

Reply #10

Okay, I found a sort of solution, but I think it doesn't work very well with small screens and three-level menus... lol
Bugs creator.
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Re: Javascript & features

Reply #11

Quote from: forumsearch0r – (Random note: The "up/down" slider on the right side is pretty much... too much on the mobile site. Maybe turn it off?)
IIRC I've  already turned it off via display: none; for smaller mobile screens. This site is using an older version of Elk.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Javascript & features

Reply #12

QuoteIIRC I've  already turned it off via display: none; for smaller mobile screens. This site is using an older version of Elk.
Hint Taken :P

Re: Javascript & features

Reply #13

 emanuele would suggest to wait until "someone" may want to change disregard to watch/unwatch... O:-)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
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Re: Javascript & features

Reply #14

All updated ... remember to clear yer cache :D