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SMF 2.0.8 to ElkArte Started by morle800 · · Read 5836 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

SMF 2.0.8 to ElkArte

hello ,
When migrating from SMF to Elk I get the following error message :

SMF is Elk installed in a subdirectory in the root . Data in a database,
Does anyone have an idea what could be the error ?
My english is a disaster

Re: SMF 2.0.8 to ElkArte

Reply #1

Sorry to mix the two topics, I posted an answer here:,88.msg486.html#msg486
and now I don't have the password handy, so I answer here before I forget.

The importer doesn't take in consideration the fact that there may be just one directory.
I can't fix it *now*, but I can tell you how to fix it. In import.php find the lines:
Code: [Select]
$attachment_UploadDir = unserialize($attachmentdir);
$attachmentUploadDir = $attachment_UploadDir[1];
and replace them with:
Code: [Select]
$attachment_UploadDir = @unserialize($attachmentdir);
$attachmentUploadDir = !empty($attachment_UploadDir[1]) && is_array($attachment_UploadDir[1]) ? $attachment_UploadDir[1] : $attachmentdir;
that should make it work.
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Re: SMF 2.0.8 to ElkArte

Reply #2

many thanks , open importer works
My english is a disaster

Re: SMF 2.0.8 to ElkArte

Reply #3

Now I have to remember to apply the fix.

 emanuele keeps the topic unread
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