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SMF 1.1.20 to ElkArte Started by Ruth · · Read 15417 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

SMF 1.1.20 to ElkArte


Today morle800 tried preparing my forum to migrate it to ElkArte.
The SMF version of my forum is 1.1.15 .
He made a copy of all files and uploaded them to his own host.
Updating from  1.1.15 to SMF 1.1.20 was successful there.
Upgrade to SMF 2.0.9 seems first to work, too - but all posts were empty.

The copy of my forum is now SMF 1.1.20. Posts and images are shown.

Is there an importer to ElkArte for SMF 1.1.20?
Last Edit: October 19, 2014, 10:52:39 am by Ruth

Re: SMF 1.1.20 to ElkArte

Reply #1

Could it be the charset of your SMF is ISO-something?
In theory OpenImporter should convert the messages to UTF8, but with all the stuff going on during a charset conversion I wouldn't be surprised by some kind of issue in some configuration... :-\

If it is ISO-something, you may try converting it to UTF8 before the import.

If that doesn't work or the charset is already UTF8, and you are brave enough, I may want to try with the "upgrade package", it's not distributed, so it's only available through the repository, but if you need it I can pack it for you.
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Re: SMF 1.1.20 to ElkArte

Reply #2

Thank you very much, emanuele...I think, the forum is already in UTF8.

I can't explain exactly what was going wrong by trying the upgrade to 2.0.9. because I was just watching, ;)  morle800 did all the work. O:-)  I also don't know the english words for the errors wich appeared.

So I better wait for morle800, certainly he will be able to give a better reply then me.

Re: SMF 1.1.20 to ElkArte

Reply #3

Oh right, you said that in 2.0.9 it went bad.
Sorry, I misread the message... :-[
Bugs creator.
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Re: SMF 1.1.20 to ElkArte

Reply #4

I was wrong, emanuele...  :-[

But the forum is now in UTF8, morle800 changed it.

He is now on the phone with me. I shall ask, if it is possible to use the open importer for SMF 1.1.20?

Re: SMF 1.1.20 to ElkArte

Reply #5

No, there no direct importer from SMF 1.1.x to ElkArte with OpenImporter.
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Re: SMF 1.1.20 to ElkArte

Reply #6

Really? I think the Wedge importer supports SMF 1.x, and since OpenImporter is based on the Wedge importer, it would make sense to support it as well...?

PS: Shawn sucks... Can't believe he actually went ahead and deleted his forum... So much for the time we spent contributing to it! What a waste...

Re: SMF 1.1.20 to ElkArte

Reply #7

I did not know he did that.  Looks like it was a quick decision to close the site, or at least once he decided it was quick.

I've never tried to upgrade with OI from smf 1.x, I think the intention was to use SMF's upgrade scripts to get it to a 2.x level and then let OI do the import to Xyz ... not a one step process but should be a safe route.

Re: SMF 1.1.20 to ElkArte

Reply #8

Nope, SMF 1.1 is not in the list of available importers, though it shouldn't be terribly difficult to add, SMF 1.1 and 2.0 database structure was not so different AFAIR.
Yep, just checked and the main difference are the case of the fields.

ohh... and that reminds me of a thing... better to use the OI topic. :)
Bugs creator.
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Re: SMF 1.1.20 to ElkArte

Reply #9

Upgrade from SMF 1.1.20 to SMF 2.0.9 was successful now. :)

The reason why it didn't worked first,  were too much Smileys in the database or too long file-names for some of them.

morle800 tried now to import the SMF 2.0.9 to ElkArte with the open importer.

This error was shown:

Re: SMF 1.1.20 to ElkArte

Reply #10

Maybe this is because of changing the attachments to shorter file names or has Morle deleted some of them? The script is searching for some attachments named in the database but can't find the files on the server.

Re: SMF 1.1.20 to ElkArte

Reply #11

Or I broke the importer or you have an old copy.
Try downloading it again, I tried to fix a similar bug last week (or so) and maybe you still have the old one, or maybe my fix didn't fix the problem or created a new bug. O:-)
Bugs creator.
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Re: SMF 1.1.20 to ElkArte

Reply #12

He did not change the file-names of our smileys and he did not try to import our Smileys, Jorin.  He was taking just the very few smileys, wich are in default.

But maybe it has to do with our topic icons. Some of them are gifs. Shall we delete them?

 I think, that Smileys are no attachments? Attachments means pictures wich are added to the posts? Is this wrong?

I will tell morle800 this about the importer, emanuele.

Edit: In the copy of my forum on morles host are not all attachments displayed...Error 404. So maybe this is the reason.
Last Edit: October 21, 2014, 06:00:26 am by Ruth

Re: SMF 1.1.20 to ElkArte

Reply #13

I talked about attachments, not smileys. ;)

Re: SMF 1.1.20 to ElkArte

Reply #14

I have the openimporter yesterday downloaded  ;)

It lacks 20,000 attachments

I invite everyone back to the server , and try again later
Last Edit: October 21, 2014, 07:22:11 am by morle800
My english is a disaster