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Testing Started by emanuele · · Read 5272 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


I'm now preparing a series of "ready-to-use" forums for OpenImporter testing.
I started from an SMF 1.1 install, I created three boards (two public, one accessible only to moderators), three members (an admin, a global mod and a normal one), a series of posts (normal, with poll, sticky, locked, with attachment) and sent a PM.

Now I'm going to replicate this install with other systems as well (of course I started with 2.0 by simply upgrading from the 1.1 install and I'll use that two as a tests for the Elk importer).
It would be nice to have the databases with such a schema for all the open source forum software (yeah, okay there are just too many! LOL). For the closed-source I'm still not sure it would be legal to share the databases, IANAL, so I'll avoid to ask for the time being.

In my mind, these will be the "reference" for testing, in other words OI should be able at any time to convert each and every of these systems without errors.

Lots to do. :P
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.