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Error at import from phpBB Started by wintstar · · Read 9224 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Error at import from phpBB

Forum-Version: ElkArte 1.0.4
Aktuelle Version: 1.0.4 bug fix update
MySQL-Version: 5.6.25
PHP: 5.6.11
XAMPP for Windows 5.6.11
phpBB import from phpBB 3.0.12

I have test with this and this
1. method, database of both boards in a database.
2. method, database of both Boards in each in a database.

Error notice by step 1
QuoteSorry, the database connection information used in the specified installation of your forum cannot access the installation of phpBB3. This may either mean that the installation doesn't exist, or that the MySQL account used does not have permissions to access it.

The error MySQL gave was: Incorrect database name '''
error_line 329
error_file C:\xampp\htdocs\elkph\importer\OpenImporter\Importer.php

\importer\OpenImporter\Importer.php line 329 =>
Code: [Select]
				throw new Exception($this->lng->get(array('permission_denied', $this->db->getLastError(), (string) $this->xml->general->name)));

Code: [Select]
	protected function testTable()
if ($_REQUEST['start'] == 0 && empty($_GET['substep']) && ($_GET['step'] == 1 || $_GET['step'] == 2))
$result = $this->db->query('
FROM ' . $this->config->from_prefix . $this->config->source->getTableTest(), true);

if ($result === false)
throw new Exception($this->lng->get(array('permission_denied', $this->db->getLastError(), (string) $this->xml->general->name)));

Need some help because

Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 09:49:32 am by wintstar
Regards Stephan

Re: Error at import from phpBB

Reply #2

Thus I had also tried it. For this I am missing Symfony vendor/autoload.php. Where can I get it?

QuoteWarning: require_once(C:\xampp\htdocs\elkph\importer/vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\elkph\importer\import.php on line 29
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'C:\xampp\htdocs\elkph\importer/vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='.;\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\elkph\importer\import.php on line 29

Regards Stephan

Re: Error at import from phpBB

Reply #3

Now I have solved the above problem. In the root / Importer / import.php I had to add the following:
Code: [Select]
require __DIR__.'/Symfony/Component/ClassLoader/Psr4ClassLoader.php';

Now I have the following problem. phpBB3 missing. Imports files are available in importer/Importes/sources/

Re: Error at import from phpBB

Reply #4

Quote from: wintstar – Thus I had also tried it. For this I am missing Symfony vendor/autoload.php. Where can I get it?
Sorry, I was really in a hurry...

In the OI topic, there is a package from the development branch attached to the first message, you can use that one.
Otherwise, you can download composer and run it from within the directory containing the composer.json file. :)
Bugs creator.
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Re: Error at import from phpBB

Reply #5

I have now installed correctly Composer. The package from your link I've used, but it still lacks the import module phpBB3.
Regards Stephan

Re: Error at import from phpBB

Reply #6

In the past I did convert a phpbb board (about 200.000 messages) to smf without problems. What about convert your board first to smf and then to elkarte? ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: Error at import from phpBB

Reply #7

Quote from: radu81 – In the past I did convert a phpbb board (about 200.000 messages) to smf without problems. What about convert your board first to smf and then to elkarte? ;)
@ radu81 phpBB3 to SMF 2.0.10 to ElkArte 1.0.4 t is working. My concern is to help improve or to make error-free here at this tool.
Regards Stephan

Re: Error at import from phpBB

Reply #8

Yep, the converter should work no matter what!

As I think I said somewhere else, yesterday I had a server failure and had to spend a lot of time setting up a new vps and move the site (and I'm still working on that), but I'll have a look at it. ;D
Bugs creator.
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Re: Error at import from phpBB

Reply #9

Take your time. I have more bugs found and make reports and post this on Github.

Regards Stephan

Re: Error at import from phpBB

Reply #10

Quote from: emanuele – ...yesterday I had a server failure and had to spend a lot of time setting up a new vps and move the site (and I'm still working on that...

Wow. Lost anything? Hope not...

Re: Error at import from phpBB

Reply #11

Quote from: Jorin –
Quote from: emanuele – ...yesterday I had a server failure and had to spend a lot of time setting up a new vps and move the site (and I'm still working on that...

Wow. Lost anything? Hope not...
I think that, he has a backup for such cases.
Regards Stephan

Re: Error at import from phpBB

Reply #12

I think I lost few messages from the midnight (time of the backup) and the morning when the VPS went mad, but overall not that much.
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