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Finished Import with OpenImporter But... Started by Keiro · · Read 6268 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Finished Import with OpenImporter But...

Unfortunately, I ran into an issue:

QuoteWrong value type sent to the database. Integer expected. (id_msg)

This happens for any sub-forums in the categories. What is the fix needed for this? Everything came over correctly, or at least it seemed to have, save for the fact that trying to access any and all of the sub-forums in all the categories on results in the above error.

Creating a new board and category still results in the same error, as well, in case you wanted that info. :P

(Also, I'd be happy to provide DB access to have a look at this and fix this...)

Re: Finished Import with OpenImporter But...

Reply #1

Fixed this just now.

I feel kinda stupid, to be honest at the moment for not trying this before posting here... the fix was to run the "Find, Repair any errors" script under Maintenance.

Edit: This'll save someone else the hassle of posting how fix this issue if they use search. ;P

Re: Finished Import with OpenImporter But...

Reply #2

Yep, run both maintenance and fix errors is part of the process... it should be documented somewhere. It should... unless it is not, of course. lol
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Re: Finished Import with OpenImporter But...

Reply #3

Quote from: emanuele – Yep, run both maintenance and fix errors is part of the process... it should be documented somewhere. It should... unless it is not, of course. lol

Didn't see any docs included with OpenImporter on Github. :P

Re: Finished Import with OpenImporter But...

Reply #4

I guess I just mentioned it around here in some topic... :-[ O:-)
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