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Facility to move from ElkArte Started by meetdilip · · Read 5913 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Facility to move from ElkArte

As we know if someone wants an importer to convert from ElkArte, it is not available anywhere. That might hinder their decision to move to ElkArte. How about offering an importer to at least on major script so that people would be happy to choose Elk without the fear of being stuck with ElkArte.

Re: Facility to move from ElkArte

Reply #1

I think this fits better the OpenImporter board. :P

Well, in theory (because it's broken but I'll fix it one day!) the development branch of OI is already able to convert Elk to something else. True is that this "something else" is (conversion-wise) almost another dead end because it's Wedge, but it's a start.
Once OI 2.0 is usable, and there is a destination different from Elk or Wedge it would be fairly easy.
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Re: Facility to move from ElkArte

Reply #2

Nice to know. Personally, I would choose MyBB. Almost every paid board has a converter from MyBB.

Re: Facility to move from ElkArte

Reply #3

I can say this is the first forum that have (or will have) an importer to another forum script, or maybe is better to call it exporter. :)
No forum is offering such a script, not even paid ones, there is no interest for that, and usually this kind of requests should be asked on the forums you want to convert ;) I doubt it will be mybb, and probably the destination will be smf / wedge.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Facility to move from ElkArte

Reply #4

Someone already asked if there is a way to move from Elk before opting Elk on this very forum. It may look like we are undervaluing Elk, but in effect it will boost Elk adoptions.

Re: Facility to move from ElkArte

Reply #5

Actually, phpBB was my first idea.
I need to work on something that has any SMF heritage in order to understand where any generalization or anything particular is needed.
But that's something for post-1.1 beta. (For me.)
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