Hmm, I had moved the SMF installation into a subdirectory called /oldsmf/
but when I gave this directory to the Importer it did not find the old SMF installation....
Only when I gave the root directory for Source and Destination the same. althrough the old SMF files
were located in the subdirectory /oldmsf
Hmm, does the importer find the subdirectory itsself and then can read the attachment files from
/oldsmf/attachments/ ?
Strange it, started the conversion, but failed at :
Importing settings... ✔
Importing members...
This query:
id_member, member_name, date_registered, posts, id_group, lngfile, last_login,
real_name, unread_messages, unread_messages, new_pm, buddy_list, pm_ignore_list,
pm_prefs, mod_prefs, message_labels, passwd, email_address, personal_text,
gender, birthdate, website_url, website_title, location, hide_email, show_online,
time_format, signature, time_offset, avatar, pm_email_notify,
usertitle, notify_announcements, notify_regularity, notify_send_body,
notify_types, member_ip, member_ip2, secret_question, secret_answer, 1 AS id_theme, is_activated,
validation_code, id_msg_last_visit, additional_groups, smiley_set, id_post_group,
total_time_logged_in, password_salt, ignore_boards,
IFNULL(warning, 0) AS warning, passwd_flood,
pm_receive_from AS receive_from
FROM [icode]d0291212[/icode].elkarte_members
LIMIT 0, 500;
Caused the error:
Unknown column 'personal_text' in 'field list'
Line: 117
File: /www/htdocs/xxxxx/
This query:
id_member, member_name, date_registered, posts, id_group, lngfile, last_login,
real_name, unread_messages, unread_messages, new_pm, buddy_list, pm_ignore_list,
pm_prefs, mod_prefs, message_labels, passwd, email_address, personal_text,
gender, birthdate, website_url, website_title, location, hide_email, show_online,
time_format, signature, time_offset, avatar, pm_email_notify,
usertitle, notify_announcements, notify_regularity, notify_send_body,
notify_types, member_ip, member_ip2, secret_question, secret_answer, 1 AS id_theme, is_activated,
validation_code, id_msg_last_visit, additional_groups, smiley_set, id_post_group,
total_time_logged_in, password_salt, ignore_boards,
IFNULL(warning, 0) AS warning, passwd_flood,
pm_receive_from AS receive_from
FROM [icode]d0291212[/icode].elkarte_members
LIMIT 0, 500;
Caused the error:
Unknown column 'personal_text' in 'field list'