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[ADDON] SimplePortal Started by Spuds · · Read 313422 times 0 Members and 3 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #180

New bug, I think.
This may have to do with the newest, that you posted, as I never had this oddity before.

I set a new block, and had it set to be between 2 blocks.
However, even though it shows where I set it in block list, it appears at the bottom when look at the site.

Also, I can move blocks around all over, yet it will not reflect when looking at them on any page, action, etc. Just in the list are they changed.

I tried to move a block from bottom of left, to top of top, and it shows it at bottom of top blocks.

However, after checking, I just noticed it's only for me, they are showing wrong...
How do I reset the portal block order for members, in case they reset the order, when they could have?


I just found another oddity.
Last week, I had changed from Portal Front Page, to Integration.
That is why I think the above is an issue for me, as I tried moving the blocks around in the past on portal main page.
However, when not on Front Page mode, you can not move them anymore.

Now, after doing the upgrade, it seems if try to set back to Front Page, get this:

QuoteAn Error Has Occurred
Unable to load the 'main' template.

QuoteBurke Knight
Today at 11:15:20 AM
Type of error: Template
Unable to load the 'main' template.
Burke Knight
Today at 11:09:02 AM
Type of error: Template
Unable to load the 'main' template.
Burke Knight
Today at 11:08:37 AM
Type of error: Template
Unable to load the 'main' template.

Note how it added to the URL in each error.
Yet, the URL the browser said I was on, was just

Unknown why it added the ? to 2, and the whole thing again to the last one.


Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #181

I could see there being a problem with not being able to arrange the blocks while in integration mode.  Not 100% sure I can fix that either, I'll see what can be done, hummmm.  The arrangement would follow what was set in front page mode though. 

When in front page mode, if you have a custom arranged block layout, you should see a 3rd icon at the top right of the blocks, right with the collapse right / left icons, it will look like a small checkers board.  Click that will reset your block arrangement back to default, there is no global reset though.

ETA:  If you want to do some quick testing, the following should enable the DD in integration as well as front page mode.  Seems to work but need to do more testing when swapping modes etc. In portal.subs.php
Code: (find) [Select]
	// We use drag and sort blocks for the front page
if ($modSettings['sp_portal_mode'] == 1)
Code: (replace) [Select]
	// We use drag and sort blocks for the front page
if ($modSettings['sp_portal_mode'] <= 2)

Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 10:13:36 am by Spuds

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #182


Seems to work. I'll keep eye on it, but looks good to me.

No errors, and no seemingly ill effects.  ;D

Quote from: Spuds – When in front page mode, if you have a custom arranged block layout, you should see a 3rd icon at the top right of the blocks, right with the collapse right / left icons, it will look like a small checkers board.  Click that will reset your block arrangement back to default, there is no global reset though.

I have it set to not allow side collapsing, so is there a way to make the 3rd button show, when set this way?

Also, if set to allow, does not show, when set to integrate.

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #183


I have images showing, in custom BBC block. Now, when they show, they are able to be clicked, because of being resized.
Is there a way to make them not be click-able?

Doing as the BBC is the only way, to have them resize correctly, when viewing on mobile.
Here is link to the site, so can see what talking about:

The 2 images, just under the linktree.

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #184

I can't think of an existing way for that ... We could add a custom bbc code that prevents the resize on click, which I believe is done with the JS in the theme.js file.  Could even, maybe, just customize the img bbc tag with a nolink attribute or something like that?

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #185

QuoteCould even, maybe, just customize the img bbc tag with a nolink attribute or something like that?

That's an idea.  :)

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #186

Or even set a cursor: default instead of cursor: pointer. People won't click on them because the pointer doesn't "tell" them to :P
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #187

Good point. :D
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #188

True... Especially since no link shows when hovering over them.

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #189

~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #190

Found another little bug, that may/may not be an issue in SP itself.
As I cant test in a SMF with SP, I'll have to hope someone else can.

When set a block to show using the Advanced Options, if do not check Post the block still shows on post page.
I had to add a Custom Display Option of: -~action|post

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #191

Why when adding a new custom html block to the "Header Block Section" the new block covers the full width of the portal template?  The problem then is that right hand side blocks gets pushed down below the full width custom block and should be adjacent to the centre block column.
Hope that makes sense?

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #192

Have you tried using the "Top" block position? From what I understand, I think that's what you want.

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #193

Quote from: [SiNaN] – Have you tried using the "Top" block position? From what I understand, I think that's what you want.
Thank you again, it's very much appreciated.

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #194

You're welcome! Have fun using SimplePortal! ;)