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dieGif? It's been broken for some time it seems. Started by scripple · · Read 6405 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

dieGif? It's been broken for some time it seems.

So I happened to look in my php error log today.  Tons of errors for months (back to Oct 2017) related to Subs.php and a function called dieGif.  Note that none of these errors are in the Elk log.  Always in the block of four errors below.

Code: [Select]
PHP Notice:  ob_clean(): failed to delete buffer. No buffer to delete in [cut]/sources/Subs.php on line 2069
PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in [cut]/sources/Subs.php on line 2079
PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in [cut]/sources/Subs.php on line 2080
PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in [cut]/sources/Subs.php on line 2083

Using php 7.1.

Re: dieGif? It's been broken for some time it seems.

Reply #1

I assume it's 1.1.3.

Odd... well, let's change the test, instead of:
Code: [Select]
		if (empty($filename))
let's use:
Code: [Select]
		if (empty($filename))
if (ob_get_level() > 0)
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Re: dieGif? It's been broken for some time it seems.

Reply #2

Yes 1.1.3 although it's been happening before that.  I made the changes.  Will have to wait for the bots to come by as I'm not sure exactly what action triggers this code. 


Re: dieGif? It's been broken for some time it seems.

Reply #3

Ok, that fixes the error line, but the three warning lines about the headers already having been sent are still showing up.  Not surprising given they're a completely different part of the function.

Re: dieGif? It's been broken for some time it seems.

Reply #4

Okay, since this is related to the issue can you have a look in your log if you have any other "header sent" warning before:
Code: [Select]
PHP Notice:  ob_clean(): failed to delete buffer. No buffer to delete in [cut]/sources/Subs.php on line 2069
this code was put in place in order to try to log where the headers were actually sent.

So since you are finding it from the server error log, it may be worth investigating the origin of the issue rather than fix a workaround put in place to detect an issue! :)
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Re: dieGif? It's been broken for some time it seems.

Reply #5

The lines I posted are the only ones that appear in the error log back through Feb other than a typo I made making your first suggested change.  The same four lines over and over and over.

Re: dieGif? It's been broken for some time it seems.

Reply #6

hmm... okay, then let's try with the easy one: replace the whole block:
Code: [Select]
	// The following logging is just for debug, it should be removed before final
// or at least once the bug is fixes #2391
$filename = '';
$linenum = '';
if (headers_sent($filename, $linenum))
if (empty($filename))
Errors::instance()->log_error('Headers already sent in ' . $filename . ' at line ' . $linenum);
with just:
Code: [Select]
	if (ob_get_level() > 0)
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Re: dieGif? It's been broken for some time it seems.

Reply #7

That does nothing.  It's the header lines below that are throwing the errors and your change does not alter those.

Code: [Select]
        if ($expired === true)
                header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
                header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
        header('Content-Type: image/gif');

Re: dieGif? It's been broken for some time it seems.

Reply #8

The call to dieGif that's causing most (maybe all, I'm not going to check all the log entries) of the error log entries is coming from ScheduledTasks.controller.php. 

Re: dieGif? It's been broken for some time it seems.

Reply #9

I know it's the two lines below, and that was one of the tries to make them stop.
Problem is: I am not able to reproduce it, and I have no idea where the heck another header could have been sent in the path that leads to this function.

But we can at least try to narrow down the paths, that is possible if you can help a moment. :)

Go to: admin > maintenance > scheduled tasks > task log
There you can see which task was run at which time. This should let you match the task that is generating the error (unless all of them are, that is a good information as well).
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Re: dieGif? It's been broken for some time it seems.

Reply #10

Comparing that log to the error log it seems that all of them are causing the problem.

Re: dieGif? It's been broken for some time it seems.

Reply #11

Here's the response headers from the scheduled tasks.  Certainly not the gif headers set in dieGif.  Not sure where these are getting set though.

Code: [Select]
Response headers (264 B)	
Cache-Control: max-age=1
Connection: keep-alive, Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Date: Thu, 03 May 2018 07:11:05 GMT
Expires: Thu, 03 May 2018 07:11:06 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=99
Server: Apache

Re: dieGif? It's been broken for some time it seems.

Reply #12

Could it be the webserver is sending some header by itself?

Would you mind checking index.php and change this line:
Code: [Select]
$controller = new ScheduledTasks_Controller(new Event_manager());
Code: [Select]
$controller = new ScheduledTasks_Controller(new Event_Manager());
Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 07:36:23 am by emanuele
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Re: dieGif? It's been broken for some time it seems.

Reply #13

I think you're looking at the dev branch.  The code I have and in master at at GitHub is just this.

Code: [Select]
$controller = new ScheduledTasks_Controller();
Trying both though the lower case m throws an error about Event_manager not found and the upper case M doesn't change the behavior.

Re: dieGif? It's been broken for some time it seems.

Reply #14

yep, indeed, wrong directory, sorry... :-[
Anyway, this is odd because the event manager is initialized in the construct of the controller (in Action_Controller actually).

hmm... do you have fastcgi enabled?
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