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[SOLVED]french langpack doesn't install Started by augras · · Read 25927 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[SOLVED]french langpack doesn't install

i just try your very nice forum, thanks a lot, but i need the french pack and it doesn't want tio install !
The lang pack is the last one  1.1.3 (built on 2018-04-16). I get the error
    2.    Extract File    ./agreement.french.txt    Modification parse error
The file agreement.french.txt is not in the zip.
Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 04:08:49 pm by augras

Re: french langpack doesn't install

Reply #1

Hello and welcome to elkarte, I also noticed this with the Italian language, but you can solve it by copying the German translations to themes\languages\german
Check carefully the path, I'm not 100% sure as I'm on mobile right now 
sorry for my bad english

Re: french langpack doesn't install

Reply #2

Thanks a lot for your very quick answer : i just go to test and come back.

Re: french langpack doesn't install

Reply #3

I just try. I copying the german translation in /themes/default/languages/german but it doesn't work, same error.
Thanks for your help,

Re: french langpack doesn't install

Reply #4

It's french, not german, my mistake ;)

- Download the language package from here:
- Unzip the package to your PC
- using Filezilla or an  FTP client upload the "french" folder from the zip file to themes/default/languages/
- go to your forum admin panel -> Configuration > Translations -> Settings and you should see the french translation, choose "French" and save the settings.

Hope it's much clear now ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: french langpack doesn't install

Reply #5

Very clear : it works fine. THANK YOU !
Don't worry about your english : mine is not so good !
It lakes around 30% of the french translation : how to do to help ?

I just subscribe to transifex to help to translate in french : is it the good way ?

It is the good way.
Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 02:49:01 pm by augras

Re: french langpack doesn't install

Reply #6

hmm... for some reason the agreement is not there.
I'll check what happened.
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Re: french langpack doesn't install

Reply #7

Okay, uploaded.
Now I have to remember how to synchronize it with git.

The packages will be updated... in a while, the cron runs once a day, at the moment I don't remember neither the time, nor the timezone of the server. Let's say in the next 24 hours the package will contain the agreement as well.

Thanks for the report and sorry!
Bugs creator.
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Re: french langpack doesn't install

Reply #8

Glad you solved ;)
For the translations you should use Transifex, it's a nice tool to translate.
sorry for my bad english

Re: french langpack doesn't install

Reply #9

Hi radu81,
I have subscribed to transifex yesterday and already made some translations that are in the pack of the day.
The agreement file works : i updated the package and everything works fine... and my translations are here. Don't update now the french pack for the forum, there are some spaces problems.
Thanks a lot.
Have a good day,

Re: french langpack doesn't install

Reply #10

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Re: french langpack doesn't install

Reply #11

Thanks to you emanuele for the agreement file.
I just finish today the index.english file translation in french : it's to easy with transifex to do it. It's a great tool.

Re: [SOLVED]french langpack doesn't install

Reply #12

Since 2 weeks there are a lot of changes in the french langpack : i think it's a good idea to update here now with the last one.
It's not finish, but the holidays are now out here and it will not change a lot before the next one in few months.
maybe it'not the better place for that, sorry.

Re: [SOLVED]french langpack doesn't install

Reply #13

The packages are automatically updated once a day. :)
Bugs creator.
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Re: [SOLVED]french langpack doesn't install

Reply #14

So, i think something doesn't work in this update !
This screenshot is from here just few minutes ago and i choose french in my profil :
This one is in my forum with the "same" langpack :
It's not the same thing and the good one is the second : here the langpack is not the last one ; the update doesn't work or something else.