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What a modern ElkArte theme could look like Started by Jorin · · Read 11669 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

What a modern ElkArte theme could look like

You maybe noticed sometimes I am creative and have my moment.  :D  I did today, so I asked myself: What could a modern theme look like? And here's the result.

I can't create this theme because of lacking skills. If anyone wants to work with me on a theme kind of this please feel free to ask. Please do not copy this draft or elements out of it for your own theme and then say: "Hey, look, I did this all by myself, isn't it a real beauty?" That would be rude!  ::)

I can make more. The board index, the profile page, etc., if you wish.

Re: What a modern ElkArte theme could look like

Reply #1

Few months ago I was playing around with similar boardindex layout. I also had 3 columns to display boards etc. That's actually a really nice design you did there!

Re: What a modern ElkArte theme could look like

Reply #2

3 columns? Is there a screenie anywhere? Sounds interesting.

Thank you very much!  :)

Re: What a modern ElkArte theme could look like

Reply #3

I'll send a screenshot later (however it's from SMF version,  Elkarte should be even easier). There is a main category for a full width and 3 columns of boards under it. They also change to 2 and 1 columns,to comply with responsiveness,  depending if they have enough space.

There was plan to give that choice in my newest theme, but I'm not ready to launch it yet, still beta status if you like.

Re: What a modern ElkArte theme could look like

Reply #4

Quote from: CrimeS – There is a main category for a full width and 3 columns of boards under it. They also change to 2 and 1 columns,to comply with responsiveness,  depending if they have enough space.

Sounds good!  :)

Re: What a modern ElkArte theme could look like

Reply #5

What fonts are you using? Looks great.

I'd be interested to see it fleshed out a little more. The menu and the infocenter at the bottom look nice but I'm not really sure if they would match with what the actual features are. Interested to hear/see what you think. Also, some other pages like the profile, message index, and topic display would be nice to see.

Did I say it looks great?

Re: What a modern ElkArte theme could look like

Reply #6

It's Segoe UI.

Quote from: Joshua Dickerson – I'd be interested to see it fleshed out a little more. The menu and the infocenter at the bottom look nice but I'm not really sure if they would match with what the actual features are. Interested to hear/see what you think. Also, some other pages like the profile, message index, and topic display would be nice to see.

You're right, this theme would not work with the actual ElkArte. For example the "NEW (2)" menu button at the top. There could be all new things listed the (logged in) user should know about: new topics, new answers to his posts, new messages, new mentions and new users. Maybe new polls too, if we see polls not as "posts with a little poll attached" but as "polls with an explaining post", which I would prefer. Maybe this needs a screenshot to understand what I mean?

I tried to think about what a modern board software should offer. Why not skip some traditional stuff which keeps us back? Why not try to build a board software which combines a forum, a blog, a static website, but keep it easy to administrate and not overloaded with functions - and with focus on discussions!

So this theme has a "WHO WE ARE" page where we can explain who we are and introduce ourself. It can be a text page or a table with informations of the users behind the project. Statistics are not shown at the footer, therefor you must click on the "STATISTICS" button at the bottom, which leads to an extra page with all statistic data you can think of (and want to show others - why not make it possible to choose which statistics are shown there?). The news flash should have small dots at the bottom to skip a news and directly show the next one, I forgot that in my screenshot. You know this from all the websites out there.

Getting an idea what I think of ElkArte could look like in the future? Forget the old ways, try something new. Be the first!  ;)

You did. Thanks!  O:-)

Re: What a modern ElkArte theme could look like

Reply #7

I like the ideas. Make some more images. It will boost enthusiasm to make new features come to fruition.


Re: What a modern ElkArte theme could look like

Reply #9

Here it is, as I said, the columns depend on width:

Plus a topic display (resizes itself like boards):

Re: What a modern ElkArte theme could look like

Reply #10

Interesting design!
Ideas are always welcome, and cuts from the past are good as well to me! (I always try to propose new ideas. :P)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: What a modern ElkArte theme could look like

Reply #11

I know.  :)

I'm one step further, playing with this...

Re: What a modern ElkArte theme could look like

Reply #12

Do you have any live demo of that theme @CrimeS ? It's rather good, I'd want to see how you coded the board index (I think I know, but there are many possibilities).
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: What a modern ElkArte theme could look like

Reply #13

He's just making images.

Re: What a modern ElkArte theme could look like

Reply #14

Writing that was more than easy, so you should get the idea :D I think I will rewrite a good bit of code as I'm not happy very happy with it. It's using bootstrap to control the width of elements (I was too lazy to write 4 media queries, and it turned out that I had to customize bootstrap myself, so I didn't plan it out well and created more work for myself). I'll try to recreate this for ElkArte without bootstrap (I don't like bootstrap, but I was told to gain some "skills").

I have an old demo on
An old one because some parts of code are missing and there's an overflow :) actually SimplePortal is overwriting some classes, so it breaks the boards
Last Edit: October 15, 2015, 01:19:49 pm by CrimeS - Premium & Free SMF/ElkArte Themes