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ElkArte & Social media surfaces Started by ' Tzs , · · Read 2505 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

ElkArte & Social media surfaces

I like this ElkArte. In the old days I also used SMF. Maybe I'm very new to the subject, but I have an important question. The last community I want to create (actually I already have it, just bringing it back from FB to the forum world) I want it to be elkarte. However, I found the same bug now as I did in smf . From an advertising point of view, it would be important to share my forum threads on different platforms (FB, Discord). The most important thing -which is why I switched from smf to wordpress- would be to display the preview image of the topic. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear. Even when I add an image to the post. What do you think is the solution to this?

Re: ElkArte & Social media surfaces

Reply #1

1.1.9 (and 2.0 when its done) has an improved metadata module built in. 

It will build

  • open graph data (including an image if there is an attachment in the first post, otherwise just your site logo).   This is what is consumed by twitter/FB/etc
  • schema data, this is mostly consumed by search engines, but others use that as well to improve the listings

You view the page source here and see the og meta data at the top and then at the bottom the data  It does that on the important pages, not every page in the site as that would be daft.

Re: ElkArte & Social media surfaces

Reply #2

Quote from: Spuds –  It does that on the important pages, not every page in the site as that would be daft.
Can you please elaborate this? What are the requirements for a page to be important? It is based on the number of replies?
sorry for my bad english

Re: ElkArte & Social media surfaces

Reply #3

When will it be possible to try 1.1.9 or 2.0?
Unfortunately my English is bad too, so I have to struggle to understand your answer :D
Could you please describe step by step where I can find them?
By the way, it is interesting that not all posts have this "error"
I haven't uploaded the site logo yet, as it doesn't fit the theme unfortunately (I'm also struggling with the facivo, as the smf favicon doesn't work here anymore.)

Re: ElkArte & Social media surfaces

Reply #4

Quote from: ' Tzs , – Unfortunately my English is bad too, so I have to struggle to understand your answer :D

HA!  Back in the mid 1970's I worked for a computer power systems company ("glass-house" stuff - big Burroughs and IBM Mainframes) and I had Thai engineer and an Armenian service technician - watching them trying to technically communicate with each other in a language (and accents) foreign to both of them (i.e. "English") was hilarious ~ especially because to the Armenian the word "transistor" was generic for "electronic component".  Everything on the schematics was a "transistor", which drove the Thai engineer crazy.
The Armenian would say something like "Da signal go through dis transistor to dis transistor.." and the Thai would say "No No, is capacitor"  The Armenian would then say "Yes  ... Transistor!"  " NO!! It CAPACITOR!"  :angry:

I would join them and repeat in English what each tried to say to the other ( effectively converting "Thai English" to "American English" and "Armenian English" to American English) and "transistor" to capacitor or resistor or diode, whatever the Armenian was pointing at on the schematic, or these two would be throwing stuff at each other in minutes..  :tongue:

You guys are doing quite good (better by far than I would do in your languages) but should you decide you need any help, let one of us know. :joy:

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: ElkArte & Social media surfaces

Reply #6

Quote from: radu81 – Can you please elaborate this? What are the requirements for a page to be important? It is based on the number of replies?
The basics are its only generated for the board index, message index and topic page, so basically where there is content of interest. 

On the topic page (for schema) it only creates the "@type": "DiscussionForumPosting", output when you are on the first page of the topic listing, past that it will only create the generic site card. 

For open graph, the data is on each page as its more basic than the schema data

For either it will only produce an image tag IF the first post has an attachment and you are viewing the first page of the topic.  Otherwise it will use the site logo image (e.g. no attachments in the first post or you are on page 2 of X).

Re: ElkArte & Social media surfaces

Reply #7

it does not use the old favicon, instead it uses shortcut_icon meta tag  ..... to change that you change the mobile.png image in the root folder.  This image can be (and should be) much larger than the old favicon, I think the default is 196px ....