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Proposed Fix For Variants CSS issues Started by scripple · · Read 14808 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Proposed Fix For Variants CSS issues

Reply #30

Let's just go with this.

Quote from: emanuele –
Code: [Select]
if (current_theme_base_file_exists)
    $loaded = true;
if (variant_file_exists)
    $loaded = true;
if (!$loaded)
    load default_theme_base_file

It's more in keeping with the way you're doing it now.   And looking at a few of the css files you're right the split is a better way to go.  And if a particular file is just too annoying to do the split approach the non-split effect is trivial to achieve by just deleting the base copy.  Easier than hooks and such.

So yes, this is definitely the easier and more flexible approach.  I vote we go with it.

Re: Proposed Fix For Variants CSS issues

Reply #31

IIRC the existing system (meaning the one that existed a couple of weeks ago) was generally fine, with the exception that the WYSIWYG couldn't be themed to take account of dark variants. I wasn't aware there were any other problems that required fixing.

That code above looks right to me though. It's the way themes have always worked (or should have if the variant system wasn't incompletely implemented in 2.0.x) so will be familiar to people, and it covers all bases.
Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 06:06:38 pm by Antechinus
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Proposed Fix For Variants CSS issues

Reply #32

So there's still no way to style the non-wiz editor in the current master.  Nothing in this thread is implemented and the other fix to load a variant file for jquery.sceditor.css isn't there either.

ETA:  Nevermind.  Just stupidity on my part.
Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 06:52:49 pm by scripple

Re: Proposed Fix For Variants CSS issues

Reply #33

Kindly bumping my question ;)

Re: Proposed Fix For Variants CSS issues

Reply #34

QuoteNao to be honest I don't know. I don' know enough the system to judge (yes, I read about it now and then, but reading about it is different from actually using it and understand it), what I can say is that personally I'm not a fan of xml (I seem to remember there is an xml skeleton somewhere), but that's just me. ;)
I have not looked at the skin system you put in place either :( to know how it works or how it could be used in ElkArte.  I'm so far behind on so many things !

I think it would be very nice if there was some synergy between the two forks, allowing themers / addon writers to be able to create a theme that with little changes could work in two places, same for addons.  Realistically I don't know how that can happen (even a basic common hook naming scheme seems difficult) but I know that no matter how good a job we all do, users will want to customize the final products.  Its that body of customizations that really help the usage / acceptance level of software as well.

Re: Proposed Fix For Variants CSS issues

Reply #35

I'd be willing to allow ElkArte to reuse both Wedge-only features that are skins and plugins. I'm not willing to do the work for you guys though... So it might not be worth it for you.

I couldn't care less about SMF but Elk and Wedge being developed apart from each other is quite a bummer. They both are priceless in their own right. (especially W***e but let's not get into it :D)