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Why are these min-width values set? Started by scripple · · Read 3584 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Why are these min-width values set?

Why are these set?  I noticed they were causing my page to be too wide on 320px wide screens.  (I have a larger base font set in the body.)

Code: [Select]
@media screen and (max-width: 50em) {
  .board_row {
    min-width: 20em;
And this
Code: [Select]
@media screen and (max-width: 33.750em) {
  .board_lastpost, .topic_lastpost {
    min-width: 18em;
I removed them (which fixed my excess width problem) and looked on various smaller and larger screens in chrome's emulator and couldn't see them helping anything.

Re: Why are these min-width values set?

Reply #1

IIRC it to maintain the "columns" aligned in case of "less" content (i.e. if you use short or no description, or if you don't have topics in the board, or if you have a topic with a very short subject and so on).
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Why are these min-width values set?

Reply #2

Ok.  I'll just make them smaller instead of removing them then.