Re: Markup in language strings, how to find a balance
Reply #1 – May 13, 2014, 09:35:20 am
I delayed responding hoping someone else may have an idea on this one. I struggle with this all the time and I don't know if there is a great balance. I personally try to do a little markup as possible in the strings, but there are times when its frankly much easier to add it there and easier to change/edit. So I really don't have any idea, seems this comes up more often now that we have moved more of the markup out of the sources (not all, but a good amount).
Re: Markup in language strings, how to find a balance
Reply #2 – May 13, 2014, 10:25:24 am
If I may chime in..perhaps you better off using as neutral tags as possible, making it easier to change it later on? Unless its absolutely better semantically(if it really IS a def. list for example, that require dl to make sense to screen readers etc), just using spans and even divs, goes a long way in providing hooks to style things. Simple as possible works best for themers that can't change its HTML code anwyay. List tags are not so useful then.