Re: Default theme for 3rd party custom themes
Reply #1 – July 15, 2014, 08:54:27 am
Global Moderator
I don't think it exists, but I guess it would be useful to have something similar. In general, the idea is: "base css" gives structure, "variant css" gives color/style (rounded corners, etc., plus some structure too though). In theory I think you could just take the content of any {something}_besocial.css and add it at the end of the corresponding {something}.css (e.g. index_besocial.css at the end of index.css, or admin_besocial.css at the end of admin.css). It would be a bit "ugly" I think, though it should work as a first approximation, of course fixing all the relative paths of the images.
Re: Default theme for 3rd party custom themes
Reply #2 – July 15, 2014, 03:06:54 pm
Ah I see. I was thinking about doing this at the start, I mean merging the {something}_besocial.css with the the corresponding {something}.css. It will require some code cleanup. Thanks!